I would like to know if there is a good book available to list proteins, carbs, calor

I went on but couldn't decide which is the best. Any suggestions? Thanks    — Mary M. (posted on August 22, 2002)

August 22, 2002
I use a book by Dr. Art Ulene called The NutriBase Complete BOok of Food Counts. It gives the serving size, total calories, protein, carbohydrate, sodium, fiber, fat, and cholestoral for over 30,000 products including generic foods, prepared foods and specialty foods. I found it at Vitamin World for $4.17!
   — Kathy B.

August 22, 2002
atkin diet book has a carb and protien count book out it a little mini book you can buy it at most GNC stores DR ATKINS CARB COUNTER BOOK. IT A GOOD LITTLE BOOK IT COST UNDER 6.00 DOLLERS
   — sheri B.

August 22, 2002
The Complete Book of Food Counts by Corinne T. Netzer ... I love that book. .Available at amazon and other places
   — Lisa C.

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