What to do about internal scar tissue 'pulling'?

I had an open RNY on 7/2/02 - just 4 weeks ago. My inner tissues were sewn with the stitches that either dissolve or work their way out. The outside skin was closed using the surgical glue so I don't have that 'zipper' effect. Everyday activities are fine but sometimes when I stretch backwards or lie flat on my belly and then get up on my elbows... I feel like my INTERNAL incision is 'pulling'. There is a little discomfort but not alot. I'm wondering though, am I "ripping sutures" or is scar tissue just breaking up? And if it's tissue breaking up - is it good or bad?    — Valerie H. (posted on August 3, 2002)

August 3, 2002
I have this same problem right now!! I had open RNY on 7/26/02. I would think that internal incision is healed enough not to tear or break down, you maybe pulling the scar tissue itself. As for the outer scar I have also a pulling sensation on it as well. I know for me it's because of skin dryness and I just put vitamin E oil and loition on it to relieve the discomfort. As usual if pain become worst, etc., see your doctor. Good Luck!!
   — Adele S.

August 3, 2002
Valerie, I don't know how much help this is because I had lap. The two slits above my belly button hurt like heck everytime I stretched or anything right up to 4 weeks. I asked the doctor, and he said those were the ones that were stitched inside. I imagine that open will last a little longer. I don't think you have to worry about ripping at this point, just don't do any heavy lifting. With lap, I still am not supposed to lift my 65 pound daughter until 3 mo. Good Luck.
   — Tina B.

August 5, 2002
I had surgery 6/17/02 and had the same thing! I was in such pain one day I thought I had to be admitted. I saw the surgeon and he said it was internal stiches and that eventually it would disappear. It has. As of my 5th week it is virtually gone. I have a little sensation upon touching the area but no more pulling. Just give it time and take it easy on it. Don't over stress the area and let it heal slowly. Best of health on your journey.
   — Elizabeth P.

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