Okay I have a question not directly related to wls.....

I have for some time had this problem, I first feel naussua's and then I sneeze VERY loudly and Hard with 3, to 4 sneezes in a row. This is kinda embrassing and I was just wondering if anyone else does this. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR ANY SUGGESTIONS.    — paulsgirl (posted on July 21, 2002)

July 21, 2002
I am glad you asked that question. I am 3 months post-op and have noticed lately that when I am finished eating, I have a sneeze attack. Usually when I have eaten a little too much or right when I start feeling full. I do not get sick but I do sneeze loud and hard about 4 or 5 times. Thought I was just imaging that it only happens when I eat.
   — Angela A.

July 21, 2002
I don't have an answer for you...but everytime I get nauseated I can count on sneezing. I have been that way for years, even before surgery. Always wondered why.....
   — Jennifer G.

July 23, 2002
WoW! This must be an exlusive club. I have been doing this for years. I think it started with my first pregnancy, but just the same if I feel nausiated, there will soon be a sneeze or two. In answer to your question, i have no idea why we do this. I am four months post op now and still doing it. Just know that you are not alone.. (smile)
   — MnShadows

July 23, 2002
It is interesting that you have a problem with sneezing. I have a problem where I experience nausea and then hiccup. The hiccups eliminate the feeling of nausea. I went to my gallbladder surgeon today and mentioned this to him, and he told me it was called bloating gas syndrome (or something like that). He told me that it is common for gastric bypass surgery and that it will go away in a few months.
   — CMiller17

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