Why did half of my profile dissappear?!?!?!?

I spend so many hours working on my profile and everytime something new happens or if I just want to vent, I put it in my profile. Now it's gone!!!!!!! All the entries are gone and even my counter and other stuff!!!! Why did this happen? I had almost 3 months of journaling in there :((((((((((((((( Does anybody know anything about this????????? please help!!!!    — Samar M. (posted on July 20, 2002)

July 20, 2002
AMOS MODERATOR HERE! E mail Tammy of member services [email protected] but make this a warning to the rest of you! Backup your profiles! Print a copy perodically, and put it in a safe place. I know how I would feel if mine disappeared....
   — bob-haller

July 20, 2002
I ended up taking my profile completely off for just this reason. It IS very important to document - I just don't document on this website anymore because I would have things disappearing or repeating themself more often than not.
   — Lisa J.

July 20, 2002
I get paranoid about this, so I periodically copy mine to a microsoft word document. Kind of insurancce just in case. You might want to try that next time so all your hard work isn't lost.
   — Jennifer Y.

July 20, 2002
Back in 2001, when I was just a "lurker" on this site and had not started my journal, I would continually read about people having their profiles deleted. So what I do is every time I post, I also copy to a profile page in my own personal website. My journal is important to me... so I keep a back up just in case. Best of luck to you.
   — juliehedges

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