Has anyone ever dumped on eggs?

I'm six day post op and actually woke up hungry this morning. I decided to scramble an egg. I added some cheese, pureed it, measured out 2 TBS and sat down. Two bites later I didn't feel so good. I got a chill, heat flash, light headed and had to run to the bathroom. It was not fun at all. I was basically washed out for the rest of the morning. Was that "dumping" and is that normal on eggs?    — Tiffany S. (posted on July 18, 2002)

July 17, 2002
Hi, I think it is some form of dumping or at least intolerance. I felt the same way after I ate about 2 bites of scrambled Eggbeaters Tuesday morning. It was my 2nd day of the pureed diet and I thought it would be a good choice for breakfast protein. Yuck! I didn't vomit but I sure was nauseated for awhile, in addition to cold sweat and lightheadedness. Took drinking a lot of water to flush it out of me. Makes me scared to try eggs again. My boyfriend wondered if it's because it was Eggbeaters and not real eggs? Anyone know or have experience with this? I am going to try some real eggs, maybe a pureed egg salad thing this next week. Good luck to you, Tiffany :)
   — Anna L.

July 17, 2002
From just a few days post-op I have not been able to eat eggs. I only vomited once but every time I ate eggs I feel really sick for a few days afterwards. I feel sluggish - I feel full, I feel in a daze. I've heard that a lot of people get ill post-op eating eggs...but I know I do. Good Luck!!
   — Pamela P.

July 17, 2002
Hi Tiffany- I am 9 days post op also and after eating all the sugary protein drinks, juices, I was sick of sugar. I went and bought some egg drop soup a few days ago and it stayed down real well. I have not had any problems. Did you consider it was the cheese and not the egg you ate? I would suggest retrying the egg as I have. It is yummmy and very satisfying.
   — Joanie J.

July 17, 2002
I had a problem with eggs in the beginning. I found that if they were cooked hard I could not tolerate them. Try a SOFT boiled egg maybe 2 min. Good Luck
   — Robert L.

July 18, 2002
I still at 8 months Post op have a hard time with scrambled Eggs, or Even omlettes, but hard Bioled I am fine with if I take it slow, and chew, chew, chew. Fried Eggs are okay if over easy, and not cooked in grease, or Oil. Poached, or Soft boiled Eggs have always been good to me even early on.
   — sbinkerd1

July 18, 2002
That EXACTLY describes how I feel when I dump. I am 5 weeks post op. I hate to eat very little of eggs at first. I only dumped on them once. SInce then, I have been able to eat them. A little less than one medium egg scrambeled at a time. Just take it slow. You may want to try it again later. Also, I dumped once from cheese, so that may be the factor and not the egg.
   — emilyfink

July 18, 2002
I have dumped twice on eggs. The last couple of times that I ate eggs, I didn't dump, but they made me feel YUCKY! I think I am done with eggs. I can tolerate a little hard boiled eggs, but if they are cooked any other way...forget it.
   — pam29922

July 18, 2002
Not personal experience (AUG 8th for me), but I have heard this exact story before...My best buddy at work had the RNY over a year ago (She is waiting on tt approval now). She told me that a couple of days out of the hospital an egg sounded really good. She scrambled on up (with a squirt of pam) One bite and it came back up...sweats, shakes, miserable for half the day. I think everuyone is different and it depends also at what stage you are in. She said it was three months before she tried another egg...and that time, it was delicious.
   — Laurie V.

July 18, 2002
Not personal experience (AUG 8th for me), but I have heard this exact story before...My best buddy at work had the RNY over a year ago (She is waiting on tt approval now). She told me that a couple of days out of the hospital an egg sounded really good. She scrambled on up (with a squirt of pam) One bite and it came back up...sweats, shakes, miserable for half the day. I think everuyone is different and it depends also at what stage you are in. She said it was three months before she tried another egg...and that time, it was delicious.
   — Laurie V.

July 18, 2002
Me again :) I wanted to let you know that today was my first lunch out with my sweetie. We went to the local Chinese restaurant and I ordered Egg Drop Soup. Oh my God it was practically orgasmic! YUMMY! Absolutely the best thing I've eaten since surgery 15 days ago! Plus I had enough for 3 more meals. And it was only $1.00! (sweetie had the buffet) No dumping, no nausea -- simply yummy! I savored each bite! - Anna
   — Anna L.

July 19, 2002
ive had eggs only a few times not sure if my stomach likes them or not i am 3 months iut and didnt try eggs til a monthe out i thing 6 weeks out might have been to soon liquids clear liquids is what you should have only been doing try them again later
   — icannie

July 20, 2002
i'm 8 months out with an open r.n.y. and eggs are the only thing that still makes me violently ill, i try them each month and each month they stay down about one minute,, but if i can't ever eat aggs again, it is a small trade for the 225 pound weight loss,,godd luck..
   — bruce M.

July 20, 2002
Dumping occurs when the offending substance hits the intestine. Sounds like your eggs did an instant replay before they got that far. We're on clear liquids for 4 weeks, so I didn't experience this early problem. I had trouble with egg (singular) for a couple years. I could do hardboiled, but not scrambled. Doesn't matter HOW I scrambled 'em, just no. They were like chewing rubber. Vomiting & dumping syndrome are 2 different things. Neither one is all that much fun, though.
   — vitalady

July 20, 2002
Eggs are the only thing I can't eat! At 12 days out, I made myself some scrambled eggs...and those babies just sat in my stomach. They wouldn't come up...they wouldn't go down. They made me sleepy and nausous, and it took me hours to feel better. About a week after that, I had egg drop soup, and felt fine, so I thought it was the milk in the scrambled eggs, but I went on to have other foods with milk (mashed potatoes, etc) and had no problem. Then, at about 5 weeks, I had an omelet. Cripes, I thought I was dying...and it would have been a blessing. Same reaction as to the scrambled eggs, only it lasted 22 hours! I am now 7 and a half months out, and won't try eggs if my life depended on it. There is no way I'm willing to put myself though that experience again.
   — Cyndie K.

July 23, 2002
Tiffany, everyone is different. I starter to eat "soft" scrambled eggs at one month. Stayed down just fine. Your egg may have not been soft enough to set right in your New pouch, after all your New pouch is like a babies. Treat it like one,very gentle & with SOFT foods(for now anyway). I take one egg,1/4 cup of skim milk,beat well & microwave for 2 minutes( microwaves will vary),take your spoon & mash-up any lumps that may be there.This makes for a "Soft" scrambled egg & should digest just fine. Somestimes I add a small amount of Diet margine,sometimes not.
   — Janet C.

July 23, 2002
Hi...before I had surgery, I ate eggs all the time. I even had them after surgery a few times with no problems. But, like someone flipping a switch, I can't eat them, and not because they make me dump. It's really weird...I still crave them every once in awhile, but as soon as I see them, it's no way! I can't even stand the site of them on those Denny's/Perkin's/IHOP commercials on T.V...Makes my stomach roll....I am so weird! LOL...
   — lily1968

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