My doctor does not require me to clean out my bowels prior to surgery,

but for my own sake I think I should. It just seems safer with them moving everything around and all. I will be on a clear lisquid one day prior that is it...What did you do? and did your doctor require it? Any help would be much, much appreciated...    — Laura T. (posted on July 12, 2002)

July 12, 2002
I personally wouldn't do any "Extra Cleaning" out with enemas or laxatives. The reason is: The body does best when it doesn't recieve any foriegn aids to remove its waste as long as it is doing it fine and normal on its own. As long as you don't CHEAT and from 12 p.m. (lunch time) the day before your surgery until midnight ONLY have clear liguids that are on the approved list than you will have passed your last real food BM before surgery and won't have any waste in your bowel. After midnight you don't have anything prior to surgery and before you leave the hopital you will have to be able to pass a stool (the bowel test). If you need the liquids that you can have that BTC uses let me know, they are jello, broth, water, stuff like that.
   — Rebecca B.

July 12, 2002
Hi Laura, My doc didn't have me "clean out" either. He said it wasn't necessary. As the other poster said, as long as you stay NPO from midnight on you will be fine. Good luck to you!!!
   — Gina D.

July 12, 2002
My Dr. didn't require any pre-op bowel cleansing either - in fact, he said to eat whatever I wanted up until Midnight the night before. But, I felt like you, I didn't want to be "F.O.S" (full of s...) when I went into the hospital so I just ate real light for 2 days before surgery - I just stayed away from meat mostly and other "heavy" things that I imagined would take awhile to digest. And, I didn't have to have any kind of bowel test to be discharged either - all I had to do was pass my leak test and a small amount of gas and they let me go. Good luck and congrats!!
   — Kim A.

July 12, 2002
My surgeon doesn't require us to do a bowel prep either. His only requirement or "recommendation" is that we eat a light meal the night before...1 meat, 1 veggie and 1 fruit. Then nothing by mouth after midnight. I had surgery last Wednesday and didn't eat anything after 6pm Tuesday...only had meatloaf, baked tater and small amount of corn around 5pm. I think making sure you aren't stuffing yourself the day before is going to help a lot. lap RNY 7/3/02 -15lbs
   — Anna L.

July 12, 2002
Laura, I didn't have to be cleaned out before surgery either, nor did my niece & nephew. From what I understand the bowel is not disturbed during surgery so there is no need to cleanse one's self out before. This is one thing you don't have to worry about.
   — Janet C.

July 13, 2002
Whoever it was who posted that your bowels are not disturbed did NOT do any research on WLS. In an RNY they remove part of your small intestine...that's not disturbing the bowels??!??!! Some surgeons do not require you to "clean out the pipes", but mine did. I drank 10 ounces of magnesium citrate in "pleasing lemon flavor" (yuk). I must have gone potty 10 times, but I know that they did the surgery with no problem. If you eat or have anything in that part of your intestine and they cut it open, you run a risk of infection if any of the fecal matter or partially digested food gets in your body cavity. Better safe than sorry. Good luck to you!! :-)
   — Paula Prichard

July 13, 2002
My doc didn't require bowel prep either. I was on 2 days of clears liquids prior to surgery and that took care of everything.
   — LisaTaz

July 13, 2002
This surgery involves the upper small intestine, not the bowels. Two different areas seperated by many feet. I didn't need a bowel prep either but ate lightly the day before. I think whatever feels right is the best thing to do along with what your surgeon recommends. I heard of one surgeon that will sew you back up and cancel the surgery if he "sees" you didn't do the prep. Sounds like great bedside manner :-)
   — crishsapig

July 13, 2002
My surgeon didn't require me to "empty out" either. I ate up until 8 or 9pm the night before my 7am surgery. All my surgeon required was no eating after midnight. ~Rachelle 8 weeks post op--Roux en Y--MINUS 43 # forever!!!
   — rdszakacs

July 14, 2002
I did have to clean my bowels the day before, and the stuff was DISGUSTING! Even 3 months later it still makes think about vomiting. After surgery, when my bowels started working again, it was VERY painful for about 4 days and I didn't always know when I was going to have a BM, that caused a few messes. Sorry to be so graphic. Anyway, maybe without the bowel prep you won't be in as much pain as I was post-op. Good luck!
   — Christine L.

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