Is this the Paxil or something else?

3 days ago my new PCP put me on Paxil 12.5 Mg and since the day after I have lost all my appitite, I don't want to drink, and I am constantly sleepy no matter how much sleep I get. Can the Paxil do this or is it probably something else? I see my surgeron next week, but if it is the Paxil I want to stop taking it, not wait another week. Thanks    — Lynda T. (posted on July 12, 2002)

July 12, 2002
I haven't had surgery yet (open rny 8-6-02), but I have been on paxil in the past and yes it probably is what is causing all of that, but it to shall pass. I does take a couple of weeks to stabilize out and have the best effect, stopping now would not really benefit you. 1. because it is still in your system and takes a while to leave and 2. you are already 1/2 way there, things should start getting better. Hope all goes well, hang in there until your next Dr. visit and decide then. Good Luck.
   — Dana B.

July 12, 2002
Paxil is the most sedating of the SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors), but is a very effective anti-depressant. I've personally know 3 people who say it "saved" their lives. Here's a tip I can't believe people's physicians don't automatically tell patients, "TAKE IT AT NIGHT." I hear people saying it "takes time" for the side effect of somnambulance (sleepiness) to wear off, but it's very sedating. That side effect NEVER wore off for me (oops! Didn't mean to admit I'd ever taken an antidepressant!), it's a sedating medication. Depressed people frequently have a very hard time sleeping, or staying asleep after they finally do drift off, so why not do the thing that makes sense. Take it before you go to bed, or at least in the evenings when you'll be kicking back anyway.
   — pam C.

July 12, 2002
No, it takes two weeks to get into your system. I have been on Paxil 40mg for fours years now and I can't function with out it. I recently tried to weine off of it and take Wellbutrin....but didn't work so now I'm back on my paxil and feel great with it!
   — Emily L.

July 16, 2002
I took Paxil for about a year to help me with a phobia. It is not really an anti-depressant. I will say this it is hell to get off it. I tried twice and finally had to gradually go off of it. The dreams and nightmares! I actually joined a Yahoo group of people trying to get off of that. There are better anti-depressants. Despite the problems you hear about Prozac, I about 10 years ago (when it first came out) and it worked for me.
   — Lisa N M.

July 16, 2002
As someone mentioned, Paxil is definitely an anti-anxiety medication, not an anti-depressant. The Paxil can definitely be the cause of your symptoms, but I'm a little surprised that you are having such sever symptoms on a relatively low dose. I took Paxil for a year or so, and while it helped with the anxiety, over the course of that year, I developed SEVERE depression (had to be hospitalized). I agree that it is a bear to get off of, but to me it was worth it. I am now taking an anti-depressant (two actually) and they have helped with the anxiety. You definitely need to speak to your doctor about this. Good luck. Maria
   — Maria H.

July 16, 2002
Im a therapist specializing in the treatment of mental health problems. Paxil IS INDEED an antidepressant, an SSRI to be exact. It has shown to be effective in treating anxiety as well. Ask you doc about taking it at night. If the side effects dont minimize in 2 week you can ask for another antidepressant trial. There are several classes, tri cyclic, MAOI, SSRI etc... DONT GIVE UP! It just takes finding out what works best with your body. Also a psychiatrist specializes in prescribing these meds. Your PCP is a generalist who can treat a sore throat or a sprained ankle. Try getting into a psychiatrist for 'expert care'. Good luck!
   — k r.

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