I'm ready for WLS but which one?

I have been researching every aspect of WLS for almost 2 years. I am only stuck on which surgery to have. I had already decided on RNY until I read A COMPLETE GUIDE TO OBESITY SURGERY by Bryan Woodward. In this book he explains the different types of surgeries. Well I couldn't believe it about the Adjustable gastric banding. No organ disection, no dumping, no malabsorption, nothing like RNY at all. Now I know that I won't lose as much weight with the band as with RNY, I also know that I can eat sweets and not dump, but isn't not having your insides rearranged worth it? I just need help. Anyone that is willing to give me an honest opinion about eithier surgeries I would love to hear it. Thanks for answering.    — Heather B. (posted on July 11, 2002)

July 11, 2002
Have you looked into the DS. There are 2 great websites that helped me ALOT!!!! and
   — Jody Diou

July 11, 2002
Hi. You have presented a very good question which hopefully you would consider carefully and discuss with your WLS surgeon. Meanwhile, here are some websites that explain the differences between the procedures. The first site has a very helpful chart that allows immediate comparison of each type of WLS. As with most things, there are going to be trade-offs. Apparently, the more weight you must lose the more drastically you must change your "insides". Good luck to you! <> <> (Thanks Victoria!) <>
   — Rebecca T.

July 11, 2002
I have researched WLS for along time also and I chose the DS procedure because it has the results that best fit what I am looking for. I am 5'8 482 and I want something that is not too harsh. You can maintain a "normal diet" after surgery. I have many co-workers (4) who have had the DS and I see them 1st hand. No dumping, and they only take 1500mg calcium, mutlivitamin and complications whatsoever either for all of them combined. I know it will work for me because of the malabsorbtion. You dont have to be on a liquid diet forever and no strictures. They leave in the pyloric valve so no dumping....Yes you can each sugar but some may not. I have seen so many great succes stories and only 1 bad story so far in my research. I have chosen a wonderful surgeon and I am optamistic. I wish you the best on your decision. I will tell you this though i would rank Ds and #1 then RNY, BPD, Vgb and then Fobi as the worst. But that is my opinion....please choose wisely and good luck!!!
   — Jenna M.

July 11, 2002
ACTUALLY, the research shows that two to three years after the surgery, the weight loss with the AGB and RNY is the same. You CAN lose as much weight with the band. However, it is slower. Plus the band is adjustable for life. That's why I am going for the band. I suggest going to or for more information.
   — M. B.

July 12, 2002
This is strictly MY opinion, but anything added to our insides (like the Adjustable Band) will not last forever. No one knows, long term, how long it will hold up or what the regain rate will be. I understand it can be tightened when necessary but.............I had the DS in Dec. and I am down 114 lbs. in slightly under 7 months. If, for any reason, it was needed, the DS is completely reversible. Since we have a normal stomach the only change is in the way the intestines are hooked up. Our long-term regain is very small (approx. 10 lbs.) unlike the other surgeries. Again, in my opinion, too many people concentrate on the ease of the surgery or the scars and not the lifestyle and regain probabilities down the road. We all have to, ultimately, decide which one is best for us. We need to research with our brains not our emotions. That sounds terrible and I truly do not want it to. I am NOT attacking anyones decision to have another type of surgery. I am concerned that many people will regret not researching every aspect of all the surgeries a few years down the road. I have talked to many RNY patients who never knew or checked regain stats. Being morbidly obese makes us look for a quick, easy fix. That's why we have tried every diet and diet product available. We want something to be permanent but many times allow a surgeon, friend or our own impatience cloud our vision. I'm off my soapbox now and I will apologise in advance to anyone who took offense. None was meant.
   — grammie5

July 12, 2002
Hi Heather, when I was researching the types of surgery available, the lap band was fairly new, having been approved in the country only 6 months previous to my lap RNY surgery. There were no lap band surgeons in my area, and my other thought was that even if there were, their experience level cannot be more than 6 months old. And if there were lap band patients out there, they had only been banded 6 months ago and that was not long enough to have encountered experiences that I wanted researched. RNY was, and I think, still is, considered the gold standard. I liked the dumping part, as sugar was what got me into trouble to begin with. I chose lap to avoid the larger scar from open, and as I had had lap removal of my gall bladder a few years earlier, I knew the recovery was quicker than an open surgery. However, I am intrigued with the fact that the doctors can continue to adjust the band, so that if you start to gain weight again, as many with the RNY do, I would think a little adjustment would help in that area. Research more thoroughly and talk to those that have had the lap band. Good luck.
   — Cindy R.

July 12, 2002
Hi Heather! I could say a lot, but will limit my comments to this: whatever choice you make is yours no doubt, but as the previous posts have noted-if you still want to eat sweets, then perhaps the choice you made may be best for you. BUT just keep in mind that SUGAR is a contributing factor to weight gain where our problems originate! Don't short change yourself. You deserve the best and the best is the WLS that will work best for you~~~sugar & fats~~not a good mix that's all I'm comfortable with saying for now. Think about your decision real hard, if it doesn't work you could get a revision to something else I suppose. Hope this helps!
   — yourdivaness

July 12, 2002
Hi Heather :o) I too am thinking about the Lap Band and I honestly believe for me, I would rather do the Lap band and not have my organs rearranged. Plus, there is just soooo much positive things about it compared to the other wls. I'm all for the Lap Band...I know it will take longer to lose my weight but it will also be a safer way to lose it and also better chance of keeping it off. For myselfm, I wouldn't have it any other way....Just too many pro's about it. As soon as I find a surgeon in NC or a nearby state that does the Lap Band surgery, I'm going with it full force....Good luck Heather!!!!!!!! I truly mean that too!
   — blank first name B.

July 12, 2002
I have the same line of thinking as you do about the ABG--It sounds great as far as not rearranging your innards, and the short surgery/recovery time, etc....But the only problem I have with it is that (at least where I live and in my experience) you can't get it paid for! There are three surgeons close to me who do it (they are the only ones in the state BTW) but I was told that insurance will pay for the hospital stay but they don't even bother to contract with any insurances for the surgery, it just isn't paid for. So since I don't have cash to burn, I have to go with one of the others...
   — Kimberley E.

July 12, 2002
Let me ask you a question,what's the point to having the surgery if you are going to have the Adjustable gastric banding? Wouldn't that be an incentive to overeat because it can simply be adjusted? If you are considering this,why not go for the surgery that WILL have the most success?? We can't STILL have our cake and eat it too!!!!
   — yolanda W.

July 12, 2002
I personally dont agree with the general population. I want to use my surgery as a tool to help me lose weight and practice better eating habits. I have chosen the adjustable band because #1 it is safer, there have been 5 documented deaths (they have all related to anesthia or an embolism from what I have read) #2- Not a great risk for malnourishment as you still digest your food. #3- Easier post op time, you are only in the hospital one day and then are up and about. #4- Cheaper #5- It can be removed or readjusted if needed #6- No major life threatening problems down the road. All in all, there is no rearranging your body parts and no HUGE risks except the general risk of surgery. I know RNY is much faster but its also ALOT riskier and unhealthy. Good Luck!
   — Colleen B.

July 12, 2002
Colleen, I agree many are suitable for adjustable band. And of course it is safer. But some of us know we wouldn't make it without RNY. I support all surgeries and each person must decide for themselves what kind of tool they need.
   — faybay

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