Can you please tell me what your basic pulmonary test is like...

I hate to ask a question that may have been asked, but I tried to look it up and didn't find the answer I was looking for. This is my question I have had asthma since I was a child and my weight as made it worse over the years. When the surgeon sends you to get a pulmonary (sp?) test what exactly does it consist of? I have had the test where you breathe in the carboard tube before, I have even had the test when you have to walk on a tread mill and then breathe in something looking like a vacuum. Can you please tell me what exactly you do for this specific test. I really need to know because I quit smoking 2 years ago, but with all the stress, I have been smoking here and there and I don't want to jeopardize my chances of getting the surgery. Thanks a lot in advance! You guys are so great and so helpfull. :)    — Female C. (posted on July 7, 2002)

July 7, 2002
Hi. I had a screening pulmonary function test completed as part of my pre-op tests. What I had to do was take in a really deep breath thru my mouth and blast out the air hard and fast thru a sensor with a mouthpiece on it. I had to repeat this a few times as they wanted more than one breath. I do not have asthma so no bronchodilator medication (Albuterol) was used and I did not have to complete a post medication test. But I did smoke, right up until the day before surgery. I know - I'm bad and I wish I would have quit before I had surgery. I did have some problems with low oxygen levels after surgery and had to use oxygen for a few days following surgery. Hope this information helps you. Good luck.
   — Paulette W.

July 7, 2002
First thing....put down the smokes. I too have had asthma for years (I quit smoking in 1985 or I'd be dead by now). When I had the pulmonary testing, I did the breath in and blow out hard but there were several other breathing tests as well. Some I had to breath in and out very fast, some I had to use oxygen first and then do the breathing test. I passed all of them until they had to do the blood gas test where they take blood from your artery (wrist) and see how much oxygen vs. carbon dioxide you have. It kind of hurt because she couldn't find the right spot. I got a bad report because I kept holding my breath. They luckily gave me another chance and I was okay. So if you have to have a blood gas test done, be sure to KEEP BREATHING so the oxygen gets in and the carbon dioxide gets out. Good Luck. Carol
   — Carol H.

July 7, 2002
You usually will do a screen first which consists of the "take a deep breath in & BLAST it out" you will do this a few times. (Try very very hard!) My guess is that since you have asthma, you will have to do the "meth challenge" just to see how severe your asthma is. This will likely be followed a neb tx, to reverse any/all problems with the methacholine. They basically want to see where your lung volumes are pre-op to hopefully avoid any problems post-op. Another poster mentioned ABG's, I just wanted to mention that you should NOT breathe fast (hyperventilate) when they are drawn either, it too will show in the results, and probably have to be redone. I have never had them drawn, but I do draw them on pt.'s & I HATE doing them. I know they hurt, the best thing you can do, is try to relax (yeah, right!!) If you have any more q.'s on PFT's you can e-mail me, I have lots & lots of books about them! (I'm not weird, I'm a respiratory therapist!) :) [email protected]
   — Terri Z.

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