I will have to self pay, I considering Brazil

The surgeon is excellent, from what I have heard the care is wonderful and the price is $8050.00. Has anyone else heard anything about it?    — Jacklyn C. (posted on July 5, 2002)

July 6, 2002
I have not heard anything about a surgeon in Brazil, but you will need to consider how you will get your after care. The surgeon I am seeing counts after care as important as the surgery itself. Take care and good luck.
   — CatLover1964

July 6, 2002
I hope noone takes this wrong, but it is very easy for those of us who got insurance approval to think there is something wrong with people going out of the country for this surgery. I considered using Dr. Rumbaut in Monterrey, Mexico for the lap RNY because at my last job I was denied 3 times. I finally decided on going back to college, taking a $3.00/hour pay cut to work at a place that has excellent insurance, I was approved within a day of the filing for approval. I have an online friend who used Dr. Rumbaut and she is very happy with how she was treated there and post-op, you can email me if you want his web address: [email protected].
   — Diana M.

July 6, 2002
Does that price include the hospital and anesthesia? Personally, I would be wiery of going to another country to have a major surgery for several reasons. One reason is what would I do if I had complications and had to stay there longer than originally anticipated. Also, what if there were problems that were deemed malpractice- I would need to know that country's laws. Though the surgeon may know English- what about the staff? It would be frightning to me to have alot going on around me and not know what was being said. I know we all want this surgery and feel we would do most anything to get it, but please seriously research before you cross into anther country (and culture) to have a major surgery. Best wishes!
   — karmiausnic

July 6, 2002
I am a self pay and am going to Mexico to dr. Rumbaut (July 23rd date), total cost of pre-op, the surgery and hospital care is 9-10,000. He is very easy to speak with and make arrangements with and he had the Lap- Band himself. I have spoken with many people who used him are very happy. Check him out under surgeons on this site. Good Luck!
   — Colleen B.

July 6, 2002
There is a Yahoo group for a DS surgeon in Brazil...see if there is one for the surgeon you're considering so you can talk to some patients. I was selfpay and went to Spain for the duodenal switch with Dr. Baltasar. The entire hospital bill including a 10 day stay was under $3200! That's where the savings is... Make sure s/he is a good surgeon with a great deal of experience and if there's no Yahoo group ask him/her to put you in touch with his patients.
   — Pamela B.

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