When can I start chewing gum again?

I was told by my doc that I could not chew gum after surgery. Does that mean forever? I am now seven months post op RNY (-90 lbs) and am still scared to chew a piece. When will it be "okay?"    — ravikamor (posted on June 27, 2002)

June 27, 2002
I chewed gum (sugarfree) before I was even into the full liquid diet phase (which was day 10) - I know it can cause major, major damage in the beginning IF swallowed and this is why doctors and surgeons advise against it but I wanted the taste in my mouth so I chewed it for about 5 minutes or so, got the sweet taste I needed and continuously told myself "dont swallow it". If you try it, just be careful.
   — Lisa J.

June 27, 2002
I chew gum all the time.
   — RebeccaP

June 27, 2002
I called my surgeon and asked and she said it was fine to chew gum and I am only 3 weeks post-op. DON"T SWALLOW IT!!
   — Aimee J.

June 27, 2002
a lot of drs don't wait us chewing gum because of swallowing it and it getting stuck but being a former smoker i love to chew it just be sure and don't swallow it.
   — Mary H.

June 28, 2002
My surgeon didn't allow anything by mouth (not even ice chips) for 36 hours after surgery except gum. We were allowed to chew gum the day after surgery to help with the horrible dry mouth. And, man, did I chew it. I am seven months post-op now and rarely chew gum any more because I am always either eating or drinking.
   — Patty_Butler

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