I anyone else as nervous as I am about seeing a gynecologist?

I haven't seen one in about 7 years because I am embarrassed of my weight and afraid of what the Dr. might say. Has anyone felt this way? I have to go because I have a period that doesn't go away. I am really nervous and embarrassed and worried that I would be her fattest patient yet and then worried about the office staff and what they might be thinking "omg how can she have the guts to come here" I don't but I have no's either that or keep wondering why the hell I still have my period for almost a year. Some tell me it's because I'm overweight, others say it could be something far more serious. My appointment is today. Should I go. Or should I be too embarrassed to go? Please someone tell me their experience with this situation? I would really appreciate it!! Thanks!!!    — Samar M. (posted on June 14, 2002)

June 14, 2002
Samar, please go! I went (didn't want to) before I had surgery and I felt the same way, and it's worse when your GYN is a man....I had the same problem, had a period that started in March and didn't stop until the end of July...I had to go, I had put it off too long (hadn't been to the GYN in about 5 years) and I'm glad I did. I found out I have PCOS (not saying you do) and I'm being treated, finally, for it. I have normal periods now because of the weightloss and the please go, and don't worry about what the doctor will think. If she says anything about it, tell them you have a consult with a surgeon to have a gastric bypass scheduled and that you're on it...good luck!
   — lily1968

June 14, 2002
Hey there!! GO TO THE GYN :-) Looks like you weigh what I weighed before I had surgery. I had the same problem as you and I was diagnosed with PCOS!! If the dr. says anything to you about your weight etc tell them to take a hike and find another dr. BTW I even underwent fertility treatments at 340 lbs and everyone was very nice and supportive so don't you be embarassed even for a minute!!! You can get anemic from the blood loss!!! PLEASE Go!!!
   — Allie A.

June 14, 2002
Samari, You should go. Just because you are overweight doesnt mean you dont deserve to get treated for whatever is going on with you . Bleeding for a year cant be a good thing, PLEASE go to the doctor.. I admit that I have felt the same way for quite some time as well, I have cancelled appointment after appointment but you know what. I dont give a care what the doctor has to say, we know we have a weight problem and we are going to have wls to take care of that problem, in the mean time, we need to know what is going on with our bodies. Let me know what you decide to do! God Bless
   — Stephanie B.

June 14, 2002
My sister is a doctor and about 300 pounds....she has told me before that doctors have already seen everything under the sun and then some. They are there for the sake of patients. Also just remember how many patients a doctor does have will be 1 of many that day. And also you have a RIGHT to be healthy!!!
   — Kendra A.

June 14, 2002
I just wanted to add that, WE ALL HATE THE VISIT, no matter what size we are...... and every woman should go once a year, no matter what!
   — Karen R.

June 14, 2002
I guarantee you, nobody will look at you weird for going to an OB/GYN appt. If you have ovaries, you should routinely see your OB/GYN. Same thing as if you avoided the dentist for 5 years because you thought you were too fat to get a teeth cleaning. That kind of logic doesn't make sense, and it only hurts you.
   — Terissa R.

June 14, 2002
My heart goes out to you! That just goes to show you how important WLS is. I also neglected going to a GYN and two years ago was put in the hospital in such pain that only lots of morphine helped. Turned out that I had a canteloup sized tumor that had bruised my kidney and could have done permanent damage to it if I had not found out then. Anyway, I had an emergency hysterectomy, the old fashioned kind where they cut you from navel down. Thank GOD it was benign! The doctor kept saying, how could you have something that size and not know it? I told him that I had a lot of places that a canteloup could hide! We as obese people have to face a lot of embarassing things.
   — YvonneBryant

June 14, 2002
Samar, how did it go? I, too am having problems with my period. Several years back I didn't have it for 3 years, finally went to a gynocologist and was put on meds for it. After only one month of taking it, my period was back to normal. This was until this past September when I was late (freaked out- should have bought stock in EPT tests!). I didn't have a period until the first of mid April and I am still having it on and off, but REALLY heavy for over two weeks. I don't want to go to the doctor either, but for me it's mainly because I don't want to be checked while I have my period.....I am curious if I have PCOS since I seem to have a couple of other symptoms. Please let me know how it went. [email protected]
   — karmiausnic

June 14, 2002
Yes...been there, done that. It's the worst of all dr. appts, but it's a necessary evil. The doctor is there to serve you and your best interests w/respect to your health. If they contribute to your humiliation by treating you disrespectfully, leave and go somewhere else before they start the exam. That's my best advice. Good luck and keep your chin up!!!
   — Lynda L.

June 14, 2002
PLEASE go to the gynocologist. I didn't go for 2 years and when I went back with strept throat and that was the last doctor I had been to so it seemed logical to go to them. They noticed I hadn't been in that length of time so they pretty much made me have a pap smear. Well that little bout with strept throat saved my life. They found I had full blown cancer of the cervix and after many surgeries, radiation treatments, and months of chemo I finally went into remission. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE every female needs to put their insecurities aside in order to make sure you're healthy. Before I had cancer my periods were very irregular and lasted anywhere from 1 day to 2 months. Since I went into remission I have never missed a period and you can almost set your watch to my cycle. I'm not trying to scare anyone. I'm just pretty much the self appointed poster child for pap smears and mammograms. These are tools doctors use to keep us healthy. Use these tools just as we use WLS. My prayers to you and I hope everything goes well.
   — Vicki H.

June 14, 2002
Over the years I have had problems with going to any doctors because of the same fear. However, I have finally found a doctor and a gynecologist who are both wonderful. They treat me like gold and I never am embarassed about examinations. Believe me, in the past I have had some terrible physicians and I just chose not to go back to them. I'm so glad I kept looking until I found them. My health is very important to me.
   — Jennifer A.

June 14, 2002
Hey Samar, Please GO! About 8 years ago I had the same problem. I kept having a continuous period and would call the doctor but the nurse thought I was exagerating. So, I got to where I was afraid to call. Finally, I didn't know it but I was hemorrhaging. It got so bad that I could barely walk to the bathroom without my heart feeling like it was going to explode. I called the doctor and told them it was an emergency and I saw the doctor right away. She took one look at me and sent me to the hospital with her right behind. They took my blood count and saw that it was an 18 ( normal is 40 ). The doctor came in and told my husband that I was literally bleeding to death and I would need a transfusion. I had to have 4 pints of blood and a pint of plasma ( for clotting ). They said what caused it was my weight. I think that when they really don't know why and you are obese, then they just chalk it up to that reason. I pray that everything goes well for you and please GO to the doctor. Lots of love and hugs, Amy
   — Amy H.

June 20, 2002
It sounds like you may have endometriosis. And it can be caused by weight my aunt had the same problem as you.As for being embarrassed you shouldn't be you need medical attention so please get some before it turns into something really serious.
   — Samitra D J.

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