When should you begin the B12 injections I am 5 weeks out and have little energy.

   — Sassy M. (posted on June 14, 2002)

June 13, 2002
I take B12 sublingual. No shots and doing fine.
   — Oldsoul

June 13, 2002
Ooops 3.5 weeks out and the question is WHEN to begin b12. Thanks for your imput!!~
   — Sassy M.

June 14, 2002
I would think you could take b12 anytime if you use the forms you are supposed to (sublingual, liquid, or shots). I have used both sublingual and liquid and have found that I have even better energy with the liquid form for whatever reason. I started it last week and have had a lot of pep in my step! LOL Realize that while you are so newly preop and can't get in many calories your energy is likely to be low. When you are able to expand your food choices and eat a bit more it will probably rebound. Also make sure you are getting your multivit WITH IRON cuz that can also make you feel crappy.
   — ctyst

June 14, 2002
I started my monthly b-12 injections as soon as I was given the ok to start all of my vitamins post op. I prefer the's one less thing to remember to take everyday.
   — Marcy M.

June 14, 2002
Kaiser So. San Francisco patients are told to take the sublingual B12 tablets twice a week. I began a week after surgery. Get them at Trader Joe's, easy, no schleping to the doc's for shots. See if your doc will allow the sublingual tabs. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 14, 2002
GNC has a liquid BComplex and it comes with a dropper and you put 1 dropper full in your water(or whater you may drink. It is tasteless but it is orange so whatever you drink, it will change colors. This is what I take.
   — stacey1273

June 14, 2002
When your labs indicate a reading of 300 or less. It took me 6 yrs to reach that low level, but others reach it in 6 months or 6 weeks. If you are suspicious, get tested. It's a cheap test (under $30), even if your ins doesn't pick it up, though there's no reason they wouldn't. Then you know FOR SURE where you are.
   — vitalady

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