Anyone started exercising and gaining weight?

Hi Everyone. I am almost 11 months post op, have lost 160 lbs, and need to lose 45 to get to goal.. Anyway, most of my post op life, I have not exercised, I know that's bad, but I hate it. So I found a Curves to go to a month ago, and I love it. I exercise 5 times a week since day one, haven't changed my eating plan at all, and I have gained two lbs! I know we go though plateus, but now I'm gaining. Is this weird? I thought for sure that with all the exercise I'm doing I would be losing. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks! :)    — Carey N. (posted on June 11, 2002)

June 11, 2002
Yes, it happened to me after I started lifting weights on a regular basis -- 5 lbs in one week! And of course, my timing was awful... I started RIGHT before getting to 100 lbs gone!! However, I was down 100 in 20 weeks, and now, just shy of 9 months, I'm down 145 with just 35 left to go. I'm doing great! That excercise program, and the increased muscle mass I've developed, has benefitted me in so many ways:<ul><li>muscle cells burn many more calories at rest than any other kind of cell, increasing my overall basal metabolic calorie-burning rate</li><li>I have more strength and endurance</li><li>I am more flexible and have more poise</li><li>I'm less prone to injury when doing cardio activities since my muscles are stronger</li><li>Did I mention that I burn more calories now even when sitting on my butt? :-)</li></ul>A slight uptick in weight when you start working out is no big deal. I wouldn't sweat (ha!) anything under 10 pounds. You might also want to get them to do a body fat analysis now and again in a few months; you'll be impressed by the changes in your lean body mass if you work out regularly.<p>Don't forget to drink an extra HALF LITER of water for every 15-20 minutes you exercise! I routinely drink 1.5 liters of water in an hour of working out hard... some days I come in with 3 liters of bottled water, and they look at me a little weird, but I drink it all in a serious 2-hour workout. That's in ADDITION to the 2-3 liters I drink every day no matter what. Good hydration keeps your skin, heart, and bowels healthy and working right. Don't overlook this! It's more important than food. <p>After your workout, drink a 30 gram protein shake. That will help your muscles repair themselves. That should be IN ADDITION to the 60-90 grams of protein you get every day. <p>Have a great workout! You're doing the best thing you can for your body, and you're to be congratulated.
   — Julia Z.

June 12, 2002
Hi, I am going through this same thing. I've been working out for several months (3 to 5x a week). I do 30 mins. of cardio and 30 mins. of weight training. I have been bouncing up down with these 2-3 pounds and not losing. I thought it was another plateu, but I finally asked the Personal Trainer about this and he told me to not concentrate so much on the scale (yeah, easier said than done). That most likely I was gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat and I was probably building a leaner body. He told me to concentrate more on inches, how my clothes are fitting and how much stronger I'm getting. Hope this advice helps!! Good luck!
   — Jean B.

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