Can an incisional hernia inhibit my ability to lose weight?

I had open rny 5 months ago. I was just diagnosed with an incisional hernia by my PCP. Is it just a coincidence I have not lost weight the last month even though I have increased my protein and daily exercise to hopefully get things going again? I am really scared to have another abdominal surgery as my pain tolerance is extremely low. I truly suffered after my RNY. Pain wise what can I expect from hernia repair surgery? Additionally, my PCP suggested I avoid surgery until after I reach my goal weight if that is medically possible. My surgeon's nurse said if my hernia is large I should probably have it repaired soon. My hernia is the size of a grapefruit. Your advice and comments will be greatly appreciated. I am so down about this development.    — Judith A. (posted on June 9, 2002)

June 9, 2002
Wow, I could have written this myself Judith! I had open RNY on 12/28/01. I also have developed a hernia -- I jokingly say that it looks like I'm trying to smuggle a softball in the front of my pants. Like you, my surgeon wants to wait until I'm closer to goal before operating. His feeling is that I may want to try and get a tummy tuck thrown in with the hernia repair and it would be a lot easier convincing the insurance company to pay for it if I am at or near goal weight. Now, as for the plateau you've been on, I'm not sure I can be of much help. Do you use a food diary or journal to track everything you eat? I never did this until recently. I was complaining that I had not lost any weight for a few weeks and someone suggested I keep an honest food diary -- honest meaning you list EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. I was surprised to add it all up at the end of the day and find out that I was doing a lot more grazing than I thought I was. I was also making some less than great food choices. I've gotten myself back to a point where my Monday morning weigh-in this morning showed a loss again -- thank God! I'm not saying it's your problem but a food diary might help you spot a problem if it's there to be seen. Just a thought. Anyway, Best of Luck!
   — Pam S.

June 9, 2002
A hernia will not affect your weight loss at all. I have had several hernias over the years. I've lived anywhere from several months to a couple of years with them with no trouble at all.
   — Cathy J.

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