has anybody tried herbalife protein shakes?

I "talked" with somebody on here that sells the herbalife shakes and says they taste really good. Before I invest my money in it, I just wanted to see if anybody else can give me feedback on if they are any good or just another protein shake...Also, I went to GNC to check out the protein powders and they all seem high in sugar...    — candymom64 (posted on June 2, 2002)

June 2, 2002
Most taste all the same.I tried some from GNC and they are real thick. I never drank that I cared for except for slim fast I know it was higher in sugar but it was all I could drink. I would try some different ones before you invest much. Mix them with water instead of milk to make them not as thick. Good luck and great tasting!
   — Kathy G.

June 2, 2002
You might be looking at the wt gainers at GNC> They carry many of the brands that I, uh, know intimately and they have a few that are well under 6g sugar per 30g protein in a serving. Unless you're adding milk or real juice, of course. It's not hopeless!
   — vitalady

June 2, 2002
I have not tried the shake you are speaking of but however I did buy a protien shake from a discount store ( but GNC does carry it) it is called myoplex and it taste really goodI tried one today and my kids even loved it it has only 39 of sugar but 42g of protien. I mixed it with water and it was good. Taste like a strawberry milk shake just not as thich kinda like a smoothy but you could add more water the directions say one pack per 15 oz of water. I plan on supplementing the rest of my protien with a liquid protien. I hope this helps you. Much luck to you on your journey.
   — Subrina D.

June 2, 2002
I guess I should say that many types which come in envelopes are MRP's, meal replacements, and are used for weight gainers or specifically for very athletic people. Try to keep your sugars under 6g per 30g serving of protein. I'm hoping that was a typo on the 39g of sugar? That's pretty close to the same as a real coke, so could do you more harm than good. Sorry, that stopped my heart when I saw it, so I had to comment.
   — vitalady

June 2, 2002
I used to sell herbalife and while the products are not bad tasting you can get the same quality elsewhere for less. BTW, I was really disappointed to see someone "hawking" their wares on the message board earlier.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 3, 2002
Herbalife makes a low-carb shake that you are supposed to mix with water. I preferred mine with milk. It was good, low in sugar (whatever the milk had in it) and high in protein. They also have a berry and a peach drink mix, that is 15 grams of protein- that you mix with 8oz of water. It is tolerable, and has not much sugar- or I wouldn't have drank it. My sister used to sell it and what "sold" me on their products was the "all natural" feeling behind it. She lost 40+ lbs and has kept of 30+, (she now follows just the Weight Watchers point system and has lost 6 or her 10 regained). Herbalife always made me feel "good".... never sick, always felt energized too.
   — Karen R.

June 3, 2002
I was on the Herbalife Low-Carb program about a year ago - I didn't think the mango-peach high-protein drink was too bad, but the berry one was disgusting! As for the protein shakes, I ended up throwing mine away because I just couldn't stomach them. I like the Isopure Low-Carb dutch chocolate. It doesn't have that strong artificial sweetener taste like so many other sugar-free products do. I hope you find something that works for you!
   — Shannon D.

July 29, 2002
I am not an Herbalife Distributor, but my husband and I both agree that the Vanilla flavor is excellent- better than most others we have tried. And, you can puree fruit in to it if your surgeon allows this.
   — Becky G.

August 9, 2002

October 30, 2002
Herbalife Shakes are great!! I recommend them
   — Rhonda S.

February 28, 2003
I use the High Protien, Low Carb shake from Herbalife. I used it before surgury, during my 2 week fast pre-op and untill I was back on solid food after surgury. I still use it once a day to make sure I am getting my protien in for the day. I think they taste good with a banana added. I use 3 TBSP of powder instead of the recommended 2. That gets each shake up to almost 30 gr of protien when mixed with skim milk. They also help with my calcium intake. The HPLC fruit drinks are OK, but I don't go out of my way for them. I think you have to learn to like them. I never really have. This shake was much thinner than the brand my Dr. recommended. I was not able to drink the really think shakes until several months after surgury, Herbalife HPLC is thinner and always went down very well. Post-op 6 months 100 lbs gone forever!
   — Jennifer D.

September 12, 2005
I used to be a distributer for Herbalife. The Vanilla Shakes are good but Herbalife recomends taking their multi-vitamin and cell activator 3x's a day. I did the Herbalife diet for almost a year, the weight loss was not the best result for me. The nutrition is great but is very expensive you will get the same nutrition from Ensure.
   — Tammy J.

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