Can a woman swim during her monthly cycle?

I am 36 years old and cant believe I dont know the answer to my question but believe cuz it is true. I do therapy in a pool and dont know if i can do it during my cycle.    — C. L. (posted on May 28, 2002)

May 28, 2002
YES! No danger and nothing will happen. Do wear a tampon not a pad. It is good for you to swim and may even help with cramps if you have them. Have fun, Andrea
   — Andrea P.

May 28, 2002
Actually, having your period could cause you to lose muscle control and bouyancy and drown. Women should NEVER swim during their period. (tongue majorly inserted into cheek)And don't forget the attraction of sharks while swimming in the ocean. I say don't take the chance. (rolling of eyes)
   — merri B.

May 28, 2002
Of course! It's no difference than showering, or taking a bath etc. The more the betterduring this time, in my book.....
   — Karen R.

May 28, 2002
LOL Merri! Did you know that you can also get pregnant from kissing a boy??? Im sorry I couldnt resist! How old are we anyway? LOL!!!
   — donnalawbabe

June 1, 2002
I must say these are the best creative answers to a questions I have ever read! You all area hoot! I agree 100% with Andrea. Oh my I am still laughing at ya'lls answers!
   — BrendaSinger

June 1, 2002
Yes, but you must wait 30 minutes after eating lunch. At least that's what dear old mom used to say ... lol. :)
   — C. C.

June 1, 2002
I am surprised that at 36 years old this is the first time you have wanted to swim while on your cycle. I bet you were a late bloomer...............
   — Dawn P.

June 15, 2002
yes on your period you can swim. Just use a tampon or the new product ( name I forget it's a cup like product) You insert into vagina as far to the cervix as possible. You shouldn't be able to feel it. Exercise will help you usually according to my GYN. I'm an RN too..
   — Amy D.

March 28, 2003
The "cup-like" product is called Instead and works awesome. It is very similar to a cervical cap but is very easy to insert and remove. A little pricey but the convenience is worth it. I can usually insert it in the morning and not worry about my period throughout the 8-hour workday. Make sure you have plenty of t.p. around when removing, it takes practice and can get messy. They say you can have sex while it is in place but I've tried it-- the guy can usually feel it a bit and yes, it leaks around the edges. Also leaks a tiny bit during normal wearing (I haven't had kids, so it's not that), but nothing a panty liner won't handle.
   — Angela G.

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