Can you loose 100% of your excess body weight?

According to the "weight loss planner" site I need to loose 100% of my excess body weight to meet my goal. They say the average is 70%. Am I going to be able to hit my goal? Can I loose 100% of my excess body weight? I am just 10 days post op Open RNY and looking forward to what lies ahead.    — Sandie H. (posted on May 27, 2002)

May 27, 2002
Some people do, but it does'nt look like I'm going to go beyond the approximate 73% that I'm at. I'm disappointed, yet at the same time I'm so much better off. But if we can't get to goal, will we even be able to keep off what we've already lost?
   — Danmark

May 27, 2002
Well, speaking from my own experience (as a 12 mos post op DSer) I'd say "yes, most definately, cuz I'm there already!" But I see you are post op RNY. My local support group is ALL RNYers and there are several in there that have gotten all the way down and I'd almost say are "too skinny!" =) So, don't think about it for now, use the "tool" they say the RNY is for all it's worth and enjoy EVERY pound you see disappear!! =) Blessings on your journey,
   — ChristiMNB

May 27, 2002
Well, I'm pretty near 100 pct excess weight at 16 months post-op. My 'ideal weight' (by insurance charts) is like 160-169. I'm 175. :) I was 315 when I had my surgery (bmi 45). Now I am at a 'totally normal' bmi of 25. I walk extensively and eat nutritiously but I have not tried extra hard to lose the weight. I figured I wanted to retain the lifestyle I had as a pre-op (active but not with the extra time in the gym or being so conscious of what I eat, etc.) since I was a 'healthy' fattie and did eat well and exercise... I think that one can certainly increase the chance of losing more weight by watching the sugar (eliminating is ideal), exercising and staying active, reducing carbs and making sure one has enough protein and hydration. I wish you the best on your upcoming surgery! Lap bpd/ds, January 25, 2001, preop: 307 lbs/bmi 45 now: 175 lbs/bmi 25
   — Teresa N.

May 27, 2002
Yes, it is possible. I lost more than I needed to, according to the chart. But I didn't keep that extra off. I settled in the low end of my wt range, which is JUST fine by me. The question is, will we KEEP it off? It's been 8 yrs, but my doc says I am "supposed" to get 20-30# back, statistically. I don't like that rule, so I work diligently to try to beat the odds. People think I'm odd, but that's OK.
   — vitalady

May 27, 2002
Yep, I did. I started at 264 and now weigh 120. My goal weight was 139. I've actually lost more than I needed to. I am 16 months post op and got to goal at 9 months. So far I haven't had a problem in keeping it off, in fact I'm trying to gain a little as I feel I am too skinny. Good luck! Shelley
   — Shelley.

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