Due to my very large intestinal hernia, my wls dr refused my surgery. Any sugestions

My general surgeon says wls should come first, & he will try to explore other avenues, but the mesh will apparently cover my whole abdomin. Has anybody been here?    — Janis J. (posted on May 20, 2002)

May 19, 2002
Yeah, get another wls doc who isn't such a panty-wasted wienie. Having wls and hernia repair aren't incompatible. But your current wls doc apparently is sooooo busy that he can pick and choose to do only simple-minded cases. Find a wls doc who is a little more hungry and willing to tackle tougher jobs. Geesh! My heart goes out to you.
   — merri B.

May 19, 2002
Please continue researching bariatric surgeons and get a second opinion from someone with experience and expertise in the field of WLS. Hernias are one of the more common problems associated with morbid obesity. Bariatric surgeons are more likely to be familiar with dealing with that problem. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

May 20, 2002
Hi. I had a hernia repair for a big hernia about 2 inches above my bellybutton and my WLS at the same time. My surgeon had no probs with doing it since the open RNY cut would have been lower than that anyways. Do find another WLS surgeon. General surgeons sometimes think they know best but they also do not focus their practice entirely on one area of the medical field. I see no reason why a hernia would prohibit you from having surgery no matter the size so long as your surgeon is qualified and capable and beleive that your overall health is what matters most.
   — Renee V.

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