How long did take to get surgery date after consultation apptoiments?

I want to know after you dietician apptoinment and phych appt how long did it take from there to get an actual appt with a surgeon    — sheri B. (posted on May 18, 2002)

May 18, 2002
hi there my surgeon consult was dec 14 o1 and pre op tests were jan 14 o2 surgery was feb 2 02 i wasnt required to have psysche evaluation though i feel like this whole process went pretty fast:) best of luck to you !
   — carrie M.

May 18, 2002
My doctor usually takes 4-6 months but I guess it would depend on the situation.
   — Karen M.

May 18, 2002
About 2 months with the surgeon I am seeing. Doesnt seem like long but let me tell you it FELT like a lifetime!!! Good luck!~
   — Sassy M.

May 18, 2002
my first consult was march 29 and my second was may 10 in between there i had my pshyc and nutrion consult from may 10 im looking at 4 - 12 weeks till surgery but it varies from dr to dr. i am in ky and have dr allen. i wont see him again till my surgery so i just sit and wait good luck to you on ur journey its a long one but i know it will be worth the wait.
   — amanda W.

May 18, 2002
Actually, I think my journey has been the exception to the rule for the reasonable time-line. I called to get my appointment around March 6th or 7th. I got a cancelation appointment that they had open for April 2nd. I got insurance approval and a surgery date exactly 2 weeks from that date of April 2nd. I am getting ready for surgery in 5 days, this Thursday. They said the process normally takes 4 to 6 months to get a surgery date, all depending on the insurance. Mine will be one month and three weeks from the day of my first appointment. My advice~ get everyone familiar with your name. I called the doctor's office and spoke with the office manager. I called the medeator between the insurance company and the doctor's office and found who was handling my case and talked directly to them. I called the insurance company and had them note my file every time I called in. I got very lucky. I had insurance approval in less than 24 hours. I had a problem with scheduling my surgery date. I either had to have surgery and be back to work before the middle of July or I was going to have to wait until the first part of November due to the other closing processor in my office having a baby. I made sure everyoine was aware of that and I really think I helped me along. Good luck on your journey!!!
   — Candi B.

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