I would like to know if any knows what these are?

I had my one year labs done and it came back as being low on some things. Calcuim. I know that and what to do. But what are these? Creatinine? ALT (SGPT)?, AST (SGOT)?, I am also low on potassium. would this make you crave salt? And something came back high, MPV? anyone know what these terms mean? thank you    — C. L. (posted on May 18, 2002)

May 18, 2002
Email me privately & I'll give you some help. I'm not medical, but I know what they are. Have you had a dexascan? How far out from surgery are you? [email protected]
   — vitalady

May 19, 2002
creatinine is a measure of kidney function, ALT and AST are measures of liver function, not sure what the MPV stands for. Some of these results could be affected by your hydration status. Usually a little low on the creatinine and liver functions is better than too high. Sorry I dont have all the answers for you, but these are the ones that I do know about. Be sure to get more potassium, that one is very important to a healthy, functioning heart, and too low or too high could potentially be dangerous. Best of luck! The best person to answer these questions though, is the person who ordered the tests.
   — Cory F.

September 12, 2003
I found a great site that tells about the tests and what they mean ... I know this won't help the original poster, but may help someone checking the library for MPV or other lab tests: <BR><BR> <BR><BR> Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) <BR><BR> Normal Values: 7.4 - 10.4 fl (may vary from lab to lab) 25um in diameter <BR><BR> This analyte is not included on many lab reports unless specifically ordered by a physician to determine various hematologic disorders, such as thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, and evaluation of alcholics under treatment.<BR><BR> An elevated MPV is usually accompanied by analytes of the complete blood count being out of reference range. Slightly elevated or decreased MPV values if the rest of the CBC is normal are usually not significant. Values 15% out of range should be referred to a physician to determine cause
   — [Deactivated Member]

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