Anyone change jobs right AFTER having surgery??

Has anyone ever had surgery and then right after changed jobs and got different coverage?? were the checkups covered?? i hope someone can help me!! thanks so much!    — Heather H. (posted on May 16, 2002)

May 18, 2002
Hi, I changed jobs a month after surgery (unexpectedly) and lost my original coverage. BC/BS federal still paid for all of the surgery costs. The new insurance at the new job, is a HMO. They have a written exclusion against WLS. I called and told them I needed to follow up with my surgeon to be checked for nutritional problems. They adamantly refused since they have a written exclusion. I tried to make them understand that the surgery was done and over with, that I just needed routine follow up. They still refused. So I have to pay out of pocket for all of my follow up care. It doesnt seem to matter that I pay that company almost 400 dollars a month in premiums. So in answer to your question, it probably depends on the specific insurance company that you will be switching to. HMO's are notorious for finding ways to not pay for things. That is how they make their money. Good luck.
   — Cory F.

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