Has anyone lost coverage right AFTER having surgery??

Hi!! I am close to having surgery, but right after I have it, I may not have any coverage. Has anyone changed or tried to change right after having surgery?? Is your checkup after surgery considered a "preexisting" condition?? I am so worried that I will not have any coverage, but I need to have the surgery. I hope someone can help!! :) Thanks    — Heather H. (posted on May 16, 2002)

May 15, 2002
My surgery was 12-20-01. On 1-1-02 my company switched to a new insurance company!! I was about to freak out. Most surgeons include the first couple follow-up visits in their fees. You really should check with the staff to make sure this is correct. Now that I have new insurance (and I don't live anywhere near my surgeon) I got to my family doctor for the blood tests. The tests are required as a result of the surgery and are absolutely required by law to be covered by your new insurance company. I received a letter from my new insurance company informing me that I was guaranteed complete coverage because I was covered before. Good Luck!!!
   — Pamela P.

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