Help me gain weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had surgery 6/15/01. I started at 276, now I am 5'10 and weigh 135. My bones are showing, I look like a skeleton or a 10 yr old girl on a good day. My tail bone is not longer protected, and my ribs are showing. I don't know what to do. Can anyone offer help. Email me at [email protected].    — Cheryl C. (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 6, 2002
Hey, I'm an expert in that! But, you should see your doctor and let him tell you what to do. Most people are told to increase calories by 100 until they are maintaining the weight they desire. You can do this with a weight gaining supplement or putting more calories in your diet, like milkshakes.
   — Lisa N M.

May 6, 2002
Make sure you talk to your doctor as there's actually a drug you can take that will stop your weight loss completely if increasing caloric intake does not work. Try starting with having protein drinks with whole milk, etc as long as you're not lactose intolerant. You can also feel free to break the rule about not drinking sugary drinks/sodas, lemonade, etc as you WANT those extra calories, instead of trying to avoid them like most of us :) Dont' worry, it's not hopeless, but it may take a little while to improve. Just make sure you're on a pretty consistent pattern of gaining weight, instead of losing weight. Since you probably need at least a good 30lbs, although probably more since your bones will be denser than lifelong skinny people. Try to choose something you can maintain as well, as you want to gain at least 30lbs and maintain that weight, not lose it again. Adding sugared drinks is probably the easiest way to intake extra calories, but I would also suggest getting blood work done to make sure you're not anemic as well, etc.
   — Anita N.

May 6, 2002
I have read of a few people that went back in for surgery to make their bypass more of a medial to proximal instead of distal. (If you had distal maybe you can call your surgeon and ask if that would help-if all else fails). Good luck to you and please keep us posted on your progress.
   — Cinna G.

May 6, 2002
How much did you bypass?
   — emilyfink

May 6, 2002
Hi, I don't know if you have read the article "Pouch Rules for Dummies" But it gives you all kinds of great hints for making your surgery a success with your pouch. It does bring up people losing too much weight in which case they would reverse the pouch rules. One example is drinking with your meals, etc. I have it in word format, if you can receive that kind of e-mail feel free to e-mail me for it. Good Luck.
   — Tammy B.

May 6, 2002
In April of 2001, I got down to 118#. I had been working for 6 weeks. I got very ill, with low potassium. I can't work, and eat enough to substain my weight. I haven't worked sense then. I eat a little all day long. I am up to 145#. All my labs are normal now. I still think I'm too FAT, but I like being healthy. It is so strange to have to make an effort to keep my weight up!! --
   — CohenHeart

May 6, 2002
I too am in the process of trying to maintain. I am getting alot of negative comments about how thin I have become. My weight fluctuates between 125-128. I talked to my doctor about this. I am 15 months post and he told me I am ok for now and that once you hit the bottom weight, I should gain between 5-10 lbs back. I have stopped losing by upping my carbs a little and eating more at each meal. I have maintained this area of weight for about 3 weeks now. You really need to contact your doctor for your concerns. I know what you are saying about the tail bone too. I find it very hard to sit for a long length of time because it hurts my tail bone. Good luck!
   — Janie C.

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