Tongue Pierced...can I keep it during surgery?

I know this probably sounds trival, but does anyone have any suggestions how I might be able to keep my tongue pierced with out the stud being in while I'm in surgery? It will close up on me if I leave it out past an hour, I have had it for 2 years and it hurt terribly getting it, I don't want to have to go through the pain of it again. But if it is necessary I will definatly sacrifice it.    — Christine B. (posted on May 2, 2002)

May 1, 2002
well, I was asked pre-op if I had any piercings in my mouth..b/c they said they would have to be removed before cause I am 46 yrs old and very but ask, you never know...good luck, Hugs, MJ
   — mjvallee

May 1, 2002
I have my tongue pierced and was required to take it out for surgery. They told me it was because when you are put under anestesia, they have to intubate you and a tongue ring could become dislodged and get into your lungs or stomach. Better to be safe then sorry, and I would sacrifice it for safety. I had it for about 18 months before my surgery and just knew that it would close within hours, because that it what everyone said. Well, I made my mom hold it for me. The day of surgery, I was way to drugged up and hazy to care about it, but the next day, it went right back in. About 36 hours after I had taken it out. Boy was I surprised. Maybe the same will happen to you? If not, you could always get it redone. Better to do that than have complications during surgery. Good luck.
   — enjo4

May 1, 2002
I used to have my tongue pierced. I had it for about 3 years total. Anyway, I had graduate school interviews and took it out for about 24 hours. It went back in without any issues but was a little sore for a few days. I think if you take it out for surgery, you'll be able to get it back in. Plus you'll be on pain meds, so it probably won't even be sure. Take some salt water with you to swish with, or some watered down listerine. From pushing it back through, you might end up with a small open wound that needs to be kept clean. Good luck.
   — Meredith P.

May 2, 2002
My piercings close up very fast too. My surgeon would not let me keep my conch piercing in during the surgery (an ear piercing, search for inner conch if you are really interested.) I took it out while I was in pre-op and put it in a little baggie in my purse. The first time I was up to the bathroom I put it back in. Of course it was closed up a little bit, but it just took a tiny shove and it went back in. And this piercing is about 5 years old. I guess we have fast healing bodies. ;) You could also google rec.arts.bodyart for ideas, I know lots of people ask about keeping their piercings in during surgery.
   — Nichole B.

May 2, 2002
I know that they make retainers for peircings. They are made out of plastic and used just for people who want to keep their holes open without their jewlry. People use them for surgery all the time. Check where you buy your jewerly or at a peircing shop. Good luck.
   — Julie C.

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