My 1st appointment is not for 8 mths any suggestions getting in earlier?

   — Lisa W. (posted on April 19, 2002)

April 19, 2002
Perhaps you could see about getting on the cancellation list. If they don't have one (or if you're already on one), ask them if they would mind you calling every few days for any unexpected openings. Best of luck!
   — Kristin R.

April 19, 2002
I would request that your name be put on the cancellation list, but I would also call them every week and ask if there have been any openings or cancellations. I am convinced that the old adage about the squeaky wheel getting the grease, is completely accurate. Be very polite but keep on them...and good luck!
   — Samantha S.

April 19, 2002
Find another doctor.
   — merri B.

April 19, 2002
This happened to me. in january, I got a august consultation with one surgeon. But i found another surgeon who works with the same obesity clinic and checked him out. He has one year less experience, so he has fewer patients, and I was able to get an April consultation, and i am no having surgery in May. Don't know if it is possible for you to find another surgeon, but i would try.
   — Lezlie Y.

April 19, 2002
Have you thought about another doctor? Did you ask them to put you on the canelation list so if they get a cancelation for any reason they can call you in? Good luck and god Bless. OPEN RNY OCT 4 2001, -84 lbs and counting BTC in Columbus Ohio. Thanks Dr. Christopher Kaczmarksi.
   — TONYA B.

April 19, 2002
If you want to find a new doctor in your area, go into the "Find Peers" link above. Click on CA, then it's alphabetically listed by city/town. Find others in your area that had the surgery and see which doctor they used. Good luck!
   — GGinMA

April 19, 2002
I'm waiting to see my surgeon too - and waiting, and waiting. My surgeon's office says that the procedure is becoming so popular that they have a huge waitlist now. I considered finding another surgeon myself, but I've already gone through referrals and assume that if I start all over with someone else, I won't be much better off. I'm just waiting.
   — Susan B.

April 19, 2002
When I was looking for a doc I found two that I liked the same amount. They were in different towns and that was why I called one first and not the other. Anyway, when one couldn't see me for months I went to the other one who saw me in a couple of weeks. Once I decided to have the surgery, I didn't want to wait. Have you thought of finding another surgeon or is yours worth the wait? Best wishes who saw me in a couple of weeks.
   — Ann B.

April 24, 2002
Unfortunately, this is definitely NOT an ANSWER! I am in the same slow slow slow boat. I have been trying since NOVEMBER 2001 just to obtain an initial APPOINTMENT. A consultation! I was put off and put off. It is very difficult to get names of physicians in this area and just by calling various larger hospitals outside of this area was I finally able to find a surgeon 50 miles away who does a lot of bariatric surgeries. Finally they started a new "intake" program where they put you on a "list." Unfortunately for me there was no list in November or I would be #1 without a doubt. Now they have just added me to the list in April 2002 and I will have to wait until September or October 2002 just for the initial orientation. Which means that if all went perfectly I would not have the surgery until at least early 2003. ERRRRRRRR. My PCP has no problem referring me but like I said there are few physicians that I know of in this area of NY performing these procedures. I got information of another physician in Albany which is about 90 miles and they have tentatively scheduled me for the initial consult for October 30. So its the waiting game no matter where I am looking. And I have found out that that physician requires the loss of 10% of your initial weight. I weigh currently 308 (that is hard to say) so I would have to lose about 30 lbs "upfront" before they would even perform the surgery. I guess they want to check on the patient's motivation and commitment to a lifestyle change before they do the surgery. I have one last hope which is a physician I learned about on this site! He is in Schenectady which is near Albany. That nurse was very helpful but told me they are not currently putting anyone on lists but the earliest I could conceive of getting in for an initial visit is "a couple of months." I jumped at that and gave my name/phone. It is a hideous game. However, I am highly motivated and it is the posting of all of the pre and post-ops on your board who have given me new focus on my goal. I am continuing to check the site further to get "tips" on how to move this process along and I appreciate you guys so much. I don't feel like a "freak" here. I can't wait until I can add a before/after pic! God Bless you all and thanks for your help!
   — Jodi C.

August 28, 2002
Be sure and let your doc- know you would like to be called should someone ahead of you cancel.. ( they do.. maybe they have a cold or flu and the doc does not want to do surgery at that time) Let them know you would not mind changing dates.
   — Deborah M.

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