I'm just curious

What are your best experiences you've had since WLS? What are your worst? (Exciting moments, embarrassing moments, whatever you feel like volunteering :)    — Kelly M. (posted on April 14, 2002)

April 14, 2002
At 9 weeks post op my best experiences have been the obvious getting into smaller sizes and feeling so much better about my appearance, but the most amazing experience has been every I feel like my life is up to me now. How I am not limited by the weight or my perception of how people look or feel about me because of the weight. I have lost 55 pounds and have over 100 to go but mentally I am already at the best place I've been in years and years. People are responding to me more favorably too and I think it's due to my being more lighthearted and allowing my undefensive nature come out again after all this time. I look forward to the future if it's this good already.
   — valiciah

April 14, 2002
Mine defiantly is obtaining my life long goal of being a flight attendant. I've always wanted to do that and it wasn't going to happen at 280, I couldn't even fit in a seat. I got that job about a year ago! Way fun!! Also, buying clothes that I like, vs having to buy what fits. Going from a size 28 pants to a 8-10.
   — ZZ S.

April 14, 2002
My worst experience was when I had two strictures, and they weren't really that bad. It was easier than dealing with all of the co-morbidities. My most embarassing moment was when my mom convinced me to go into Chico's upscale clothing store and proceeded to tell the sales lady that I was 'in the process' of losing weight and wanted to get an idea of what size I could wear. I was at 220 at the time and could not wear their sizes yet. She looked me up and down and I could see her thinking, 'yeah right, losing weight'. I just wanted to get out of the store. But since then I have bought 2 outfits from there and they are AWESOME! Unfortunately I didn't go back to the same store and see the same person, she probably wouldn't have even remembered me anyway, it would have been fun though. I love feeling lighter. Trying on clothes and they get too big instead of too small and cut into me like they did pre-op. We went to Disney for spring break and could walk for 12 hours in the 90 degree heat. I had a hard time walking for 5 minutes in 60 degrees as a pre-op. I fit in the seats on the bus at Disney, and on every ride with comfort. Yesterday we were at my kids soccer games and one had to 'go bad', so we were running to get to the closest convenient place to 'go'. Yes, I was RUNNING!!! I have been riding my bike for exercise, look forward to doing so, and feel like whatsherface on Titanic, free, wanting to put my arms out and fly with the wind. My husband said, 'here, sit on my lap' and instantly thinking, no way it will hurt you, then waking up and realizing that, yes, I can. Sex is fantastic. Positions that I have NEVER experienced, because I was unable to. I don't feel like people are watching me eat and thinking that I shouldn't be. I even will eat in my car without wondering who is watching the fat girl eat. I practice soccer with my kids now, before I would just be the spectator wondering when it would be over because my back hurt. My herniated disc doesn't give me trouble like it did with extra weight. I sleep better. Can stand in the kitchen to cook without sitting for a break. I could go on and on. Life is great!! Thanks for asking the thought provoking question.
   — Cheri M.

April 14, 2002
WORST: Getting used to my pouch - and my post-op depression. The first several weeks I was terribly blue - cried at everything. Took about six weeks until I felt "normal" again. The pouch was another story - I've always eaten fast ... not good with the new little stoma. I can't tell you how many times I threw up - and how many more I WISH I had... Now that's under's all good. BEST: Being able to take care of my personal hygiene (if you know what I mean). Wiping one's bottom "well" is a good thing. Being able to sit in chairs w/o worrying that they will break. Being able to buy clothes and knowing I can find something that will fit me. But the best thing - has nothing to do with the weight loss but has to do with my "thinking" other poster said she'd eat in her car w/o worrying that people were watching...well, mine's similar. I LOVE going into a restaurant and being able to say to my dining partner, I'm hungry, wonder what they have, what looks good, etc. I no longer care what (if) people think about me in relationship to food. Since I know I'm eating the right things for me, it's okay for me to be happy that I'm going to have a delicious meal in a nice restaurant. Oh, the seatbelts on the plane are fitting really swell now, too. Great question. OPEN RNY 7/17/01, -90, 47 to go..
   — blee01

April 14, 2002
Wow where to begin. First the worst was the recovery from the surgery. Something everyone goes thru but the depression and the extreme exhaustion to me was the worst. Now on to the good stuff. I think I was getting the eye the other day in traffic this man practically did a 360 and was looking at me no one else was in my lane. First I thought he was going to cuss me out but he kept looking at me. It was weird no one ever eyed me before. Also I have noticed a difference in how people treat me at stores they actually ask me if I need help. I mowed my front yard today something I never did before I just watched my husband do it. I did it and yeah I sweated but I didn't stop until I was done. Like someone said before sex is great without the huge stomach in the way I feel so much closer to him I know he likes it better but then again he never complained before. I want to enjoy this life I have now and cherish each moment because I have always failed at every diet I ever tried and the weight just came back plus more. I still don't trust myself that I won't wake up tomorrow weighing 324 pds. open rny 4-12-01 324/195
   — susan V.

April 14, 2002
Worst: Paying $22,000 out of pocket for the surgery and the financial burden it has placed on my family, and depression, exhaustion and nausea for the first four months. Best: Playing sports with my kids, coaching their teams, not embarrassing them by my appearance, wearing "normal" size clothes...
   — Brenda H.

April 14, 2002
Worst, the bowel prep for surgery, my surgery stay. Or staying home (pre=op) because I am miserable and fat. Best, actually feeling normal, getting a good night's sleep, getting my period!, shopping in regular stores, thinking some days I am actually semi-attractive, best yet, blending in.......
   — Karen R.

April 14, 2002
Best: Crossing my legs Worst: Almost got a divorce!
   — MARSHA D.

April 14, 2002
Exciting moments - getting into regular size clothes, having a 23 year old guy hitting on me (I'm 39!!), crossing your legs, being able to go down aisles without knocking something over. I have many things. Worst moments - looking at my scars and VERY saggy skin. However, the good has definately outweighed the bad.
   — Patty H.

April 15, 2002
Worst - the NG tube. est - this weekend I was at a party and a friend told someone I didn't know about surgery - and that I lost 100 lbs. I said, well, actually 112, but who is counting? He was gape-mouthed and asked where it all went? How did you carry that? He was trying to be polite, but basically was saying that I don't look like I have ever been fat. It was quite a light bulb to realize that the people I meet now will never know what I was like before, for better or worse. *That and I found my old military medical records. I am 1 pound more that what I weighed at age 12, and I was 4 inches shorter then.
   — M. A. B.

April 15, 2002
Worst--the NG tube, prep day, and the head hunger after surgery. Best--the feeling of energy you have after you lose weight...getting compliments...feeling better about yourself...I would do it again!
   — Craig A.

April 15, 2002
The best part of this for me (aside from the same as all the other responses you have received, chairs, sex, etc.), was when my son was able to wrap his arms all the way around my waist and then some. He was almost as happy as me! The hardest part for me is when I see someone who is MO, I want to tell them about my experience soooo bad, I actually hurt for them, remembering how I hurt... I also remember how unwelcome diet advice was when I was fat & I keep my mouth shut. My heart goes out to them though.
   — DonnaCarol

April 15, 2002
BEST: Seeing the scale always going DOWN for once in my life! Shopping in the petites section and wearing a medium. Realizing that the medium is too big and the SMALL fits better. Having people tell me that I am an inspiration to them. Feeling like I can DO this--that I am not going to fail like with a diet. Eating right and getting energy from it. Reaching goal after 7 months after being prepared to lose slowly.<p>WORST: Back pain when waking up from surgery. Depression 3 weeks after surgery. Not having food to turn to in times of extreme stress. Thinking I could pull off the breading on chicken tenders and not being able to--I will never crave fried stuff again! Thinking I could eat a little apple cobbler--ditto for the cobbler!
   — ctyst

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