can I take B12 now?

First off..I did look through the library but could not find an answer. I am pre op and was wanting to know if I could take it now.I noticed alot of post ops take it and it helps with low energy. Would it have the same effect now. Thanks everyone    — Tina C. (posted on April 13, 2002)

April 13, 2002
They don't start you on B-12 until several months after the surgery, because apparently our bodies store B-12 for quite some time. I took my first B-12 shot at 1 month post-op and felt nothing, no jolt of energy like others said would happen. The nutritionist told me that only those low in B-12 felt the jolt of energy so apparently I still had lots saved up!
   — Cindy R.

April 13, 2002
I was taking B12 the day after I came out of the hospital. My nutrionist suggests either 500 mg a day, 1000 mg three days a week or a monthly shot.
   — Lisa N M.

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