has anyone had or have atrial fibrillation?

I had a sudden onset of atrial fibrillation (a-fib)last week I was in the hospital for a couple of days. I eventually went back to a normal sinus rhythm on my own, but my cardiologist has me on a beta blocker now. The onset of the a-fib was when I was sleeping, now I need to have a sleep study done to see if I have sleep apnea, which may be the cause of the a-fib. Anyone else had this problem?    — Audra P. (posted on April 9, 2002)

April 10, 2002
I have not had a fib, but I know it all too well. I am a registered cardiac nurse and I take care of patients with a fib all of the time. It is not life threatening. The main thing is to diligently take your beta blocker and monitor your heart rate since one of the main desired effects of the drug is to lower the heart rate. It will also lower your blood pressure, so keep check on it also. Hope this helps--La Shonda in AL
   — La Shonda W.

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