Help! I've been having a severe toothache, my dentist is on vacation

and I can't get in until the 15th. My question is, what type of pain meds can I suggest to my normal dr. to prescribe me-I've taken hydrocodone (had some for migraines) and it helps for about a 1/2 hour. Any help would be greatly appreciated!    — Tris H. (posted on April 2, 2002)

April 2, 2002
If you can't find a dentist fast go to SEARS... I heard an advertisement on the radio that said they have walk in dental care now. PLEASE DON'T SUFFER...
   — Grace M.

April 2, 2002
Your dentist should have someone on-call as a backup. If not, find someone tomorrow! Trust me on this because I've had this happen a bunch (abcesses, not my dentist being out of town). If this toothache is being caused by an abcess, no pain reliever that you can get over the counter is going to get even close to dealing with the pain. In fact, short of being knocked out, the pain will be there no matter what you take for it.
   — garw

April 2, 2002
when i had a severe tooth ache the only thing that helped was putting ice cold water in my mouth and swishing it around. definately find a dentist. some dentist will be on call 24 hours. may cost a little more, but it's worth it. don't suffer.
   — candymom64

April 2, 2002
I am an expert on toothache pain 800mg Ibuprofin(take it now!!!) nothing helped besides that, except percocet but that lasted no more than 2 hours. I was given them to relieve inflamation and was able to sleep. good luck.
   — meechi33823

April 3, 2002
hi, just thought I would add my 2 cents worth... my suregon has told me to never take ibuprofin.... i am still presurgery, but thought i would add this. I think calling a back up dentist sounds like a good plan. Feel better soon!
   — Tracey L.

April 3, 2002
Thanks everyone for the help! I couldn't get in anywhere today, but the other dentist in the next town over has me on a cancellation call. I was also told not to take Ibuprofen after surgery, so I hope the poster that said that checks with the Dr. before doing that! Thanks again all!
   — Tris H.

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