Anyone else worried about getting sick before their surgery date?

My surgery is scheduled for 4/4/02...I am petrified of getting sick before then, especially since I haven't had a cold all winter. I feel like I might be jinxing myself! Any ideas on how to make absolutely sure I don't get sick in the next two weeks?    — Michelle M. (posted on March 19, 2002)

March 19, 2002
Michelle, I think just about everybody worries about getting sick and having their surgery cancelled. Especially during cold and flu season. I had my surgery in Dec. and like you, hadn't had a cold in a long time. Sure enough, two weeks before the surgery, I felt the beginnings of a chest cold coming on. I hightailed it to my pcp and he put me on an antibiotic to ward off bronchitis, which I've always been prone to with colds. Be proactive...avoid sick people if possible (although germs are everywhere),wash your hands often, drink lots of water, get your rest, walk, eat healthy with lots of vitamin C, if you smoke, don't! And at the first sign of illness, see your doctor. I'm wishing you good health in your final preop weeks and of course, all the best with your surgery and recovery. God bless.
   — Donna L.

March 19, 2002
Donna was right on about being proactive. I had surgery the 21st of Feb and my 2 year old got Influenze A 1 week before, boy was I sweating it. The doctor put the whole family on antivirals and I became obsessive about handwashing. (use separate towels to dry your hands on) Handwashing is the number one way to prevent the spread of infection.
   — Brenda F.

March 20, 2002
Hi, congratulations and good luck. I know this is gonna be hard (I'm still preop so I'll have to follow my own advice soon), but try to RELAX! Stress and anxiety can reduce your resistance to illness. Try to use this time to meditate and think about things that make you calm and happy. It will be hear sooner than you think! Chances are you will not get sick and everything will go smoothly. Good luck!!!
   — cjabates

October 4, 2003
Michelle, I have severe lung problems (COPD--bronchitis, asthma, and emphysema.) I'm on oxygen 24 hours a day. I have a surgery date scheduled for November 20th. I tried to talk the doctor into doing it earlier because traditionally in September it starts with allergies, goes to severe bronchitis, and finally pneumonia. I've had pneumonia for the last five Thanksgivings. I had a bad cough yesterday, and immediately called the doctor. I'm just trying to stay well until my surgery. I worry too that my health might interfere, but that's when you have to trust in the Lord more! --Glenda
   — ghe5522

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