Has anyone been told by thier Dr. that their Liver is 2 cent. to big for a Lap?

My surgeon said that my Liver was to large (17 centimeters) to perform the lap and that the maximum is 15 centimeters. She suggested that I go on a clear liquid for 4 days to help shrink it. Could it shrink that much? And will the 2 cmtrs really make the difference from lap to open?    — Pamela C. (posted on March 18, 2002)

March 18, 2002
well at least you know before your surgery that it is too large. I didn't find out untill I woke up from surgery that they started the Lap but my Dr couldn't see past my liver so he had to do it open.
   — Helena B.

March 18, 2002
Mine ans most MOs are enlarged. Loosaing weight the first thing that shrinks is the liver. I ended up with one extra port used by my surgeon to hold the livcer out of the way. I would do the clear liquids as requested, LAP is so much easier and will likely save you from ANOTHER surgery later. 30% of OPENS get incisional hernias, and require a follow up surgery. LAP the hernia rate is near zero. Good luck n your surgery, you will be a BIG LOOSER real soon...
   — bob-haller

March 18, 2002
Mine was 20 cms. and I still had mine done LAP.I think it depends on the surgeon. He said it was in the way but he managed to still do it Lap and I am greatful for that.
   — garyzgurl

March 19, 2002
I think the reason they tell you to fast or lose weight before surgery is because when you are in the gaining mode, your liver swells, so yes it can shrink 2 inches before you have surgery because it won't be swollen anymore. Hope that helps a little. TJ
   — tjmoore

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