Nerve damage after panni removal?

Has anyone ever heard of nerve damage resulting in lost of ability to have an orgasm due to having the panni removed?    — Sassy M. (posted on March 10, 2002)

March 10, 2002
No. Never heard of such a thing. Better not be either. and, anatomically, there would be nothing that would connect the two other than psychological implications, which of course, would be individualized.
   — merri B.

March 10, 2002
Panneculectomy on 11-15-01 and NO PROBLEMS HERRE!!!
   — livnliter

March 14, 2002
I don't know about nerve "damage", but when I had my panni done last October I had some "dead spots" on my stomach for a couple of months after the surgery. It felt like your mouth does when it's about halfway out of freezing from having a tooth filled. I had it after my first C-section, too, but eventually everything regenerated and I'm fine now. It was just weird, not painful. As for the orgasm thing, I agree with Merri -- the two areas aren't connected, so damage to one couldn't lead to dysfunction in the other, unless, as she points out, it's psychological. Hope this helps!
   — Cheryl Denomy

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