Anybody get real sick before surgery?
I have surgery in less than 2 weeks, for about a month i have been really scared and not able to sleep real good. Now starting about a week ago, i have just been really sick to my stomach not able to keep anything down at all! i mean nothing. when i get through i am hungrey again...but when i eat i cannot keep it down, does anyone have any advise or am i alone on this one? — Amanda G. (posted on February 18, 2002)
February 18, 2002
Hi Amanda! If you do not have a virus, the flu, or anything like that, my
guess would be nerves. I can imagine getting jittery before surgery could
have this effect. Does anyone else agree? I wish you luck! Just
remember...There will be a whole new you on the other side! I am happy for
you and cannot wait until I get there. =)
— ScatCat
February 19, 2002
I got butterflys before my surgrey and had the same symptoms
Good Luck
— Robert L.
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