I'm feeling hunger and craving foods

I'm only 5 days post op, trying to get in all my fluids, drinking protein drinks, broth, pureed soups and taking my vitamins but I'm feeling hungery when it's time to eat. I can't wait till I can eat meat!!!! Is this normal?    — Jeannette C. (posted on February 5, 2002)

February 5, 2002
It is very normal. I too felt like I was starving to death. I got a order of chili from Wendys and ate some of that with a cracker and I found that I was completely satisfied and wasn't hungry for a long time. I had chili at 5 days post op. I hope this helps.
   — DeeDubbs

February 5, 2002
YES! YES! YES! (waving arms and jumping up and down)You are normal! I am 8 wks. post-op and I well remember that first week. I got hungry about where you are now and was pissed because I couldn't eat, I actually pouted! My surgeon keeps us on clear liquids for 4 wks. and I thought I would lose my mind!!! My stomach thought somebody had slit my throat and pulled all my teeth and my teeth decided they should maybe take a sabatical! LOL!! In desperation at 1 wk. out I ate two Ritz crackers, I chewed the behooey out of them and they were liquidated by the time I swallowed them, I didn't have any problems. I also discovered Won Ton broth (without the wontons of course), it was warm, and filling and tasty even though it was a tad salty. I didn't care, it was delish! I can tell you that this time will go by faster then you think it will. Try to stay busy and focus on your liquids, they are really more important at this stage than the vitamins are. Drink water, Crystal lite, decaf tea, protein drinks, etc. Just do the best you can. And remember to get plenty of rest, your body is going through some major changes right now and probably thinking "What the hell is going on? What is she doing now?" I feel so much better, nearly 40 lbs. off now and I am shrinking more every day. Congrats to you and keep your eyes on the prize!
   — esthjb

February 6, 2002
I think that you think this is not normal because of the myth that we just do not get hungry until 6 months after surgery. While that may be true for some, most people I have talked to about this do get hungry. At three months out, I get full on next to nothing...but that doesn't mean that I wasn't hungry prior to eating! As far as the liquid stage, I found it helped to stay away from others while they ate. When there was cooking going on it the house, I chewed gum so the smells didn't hit me as hard, or I told a walk. I also avoided TV commercials (ALL PEOPLE EATING). I watched videos instead. It will pass. Good luck!
   — Julie S.

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