Medical Group stipulates that I must not have any additional children?

I am trying to get an approval just for a consult and my medical group has pages of requirements. Included is the requirement that "I will not conceive any children, after WLS surgery". Everything I've read has been very positive about having children after WLS as long as you wait until after the rapid weightloss. Has anyone heard of this?    — Rechelle G. (posted on February 1, 2002)

February 1, 2002
My guess is they know that pregnancy is a cause for significant weight gain and they are not wanting to pay for wls unless you agree to no more pregnancies to decrease the "risk" of regain of weight loss. I don't know if it is legal and it is ridiculous either way, just my take on it. Best wishes.
   — jsuggs

February 1, 2002
I'm not sure I am understanding. Is it your insurance or your doctor's group that are saying no kids? If it's the insurance, this HAS to be illegal. It's like telling a smoker that they will give them cemo for cancer ONLY if they promise not to smoke. Now that would be the smart thing to do's not legal. They can't withold treatment and basically decide your life for you. What about the women on welfare and the department telling them that they must be sterilized if they want help? It's been tryed and lost in court. You CAN'T do it. Now....if it's the doctor's office, they are most likely concerned about lawsuits afterwards either because you might gain weight again during and after surgery or...because possibly, (and I don't know this at all for any fact) if you don't get pregnant you can say it was because of the surgery. Either way, just say okay. This isn't a legal binding thing but, just know that you can't sue if there is any problems later on. The way you asked it makes it alittle confusing to me. Good luck either way.
   — Barbara H.

February 1, 2002
I am usually honest to a fault, but I would have no problem promising not to get pregnant if I were in your shoes. What can they do about it, especially after the surgery. 'Accidents' do happen, don't they?
   — garw

February 1, 2002
I agree with the other posters and I also wonder whether that is even legal? I mean the supreme court can't even deny women the right to have more children when they've abused previous ones....anyways, I would take that document to a lawyer and see if it would hold up in a court of law, you might even have a right to sue. I'm not a lawyer but boy it sure does sound fishy to me. Check it out! Good luck.
   — psychdoc B.

February 1, 2002
I'd have to say that any court in the land would throw out any contract that stipulates that you not conceive in the future! That is completely UNREASONABLE and use that very word in dealing with them. Boy that just BURNS me! Don't get me going on how the health care establishment discriminates against anything to do with a UTERUS! Good Luck, I hope this can be resolved with some education and common sense.
   — Carolynn J.

February 1, 2002
That sounds too strange. Can you or did you ask them the rationale for that statement? I wonder if it could mean something else. Please update us if you find something out soon.
   — Laurie A.

February 1, 2002
I agree...the post is confusing: is it your doctor or the insurance company who has this whacko stipulation?
   — merri B.

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