Diet supplements

There have been so many questions asked recently about diet supplements, like Metabalife, for help off plateaus. Tom Brockov (sp?) is hosting a special on it tonight on NBC, called "Dying To Be Thin". I'm not sure of the time, maybe someone else can contribute that. I plan on watching it and would urge anyone else with questions to watch too :)    — DonnaCarol (posted on January 28, 2002)

January 28, 2002
Thank you for bringing this up. Sometimes in our excitement over a working weight loss program, we turn to old potions and tricks. Those didn't work before surgery and they won't help you post-op. No diet supplement has been proven to be both safe and effective. Anyone that claims that, I want to see the scientifically controlled studies. These supplements usually contain natural speed sources. Natural does not equal safe. Please watch this program if you are considering these supplements. And please consult your surgeon. My surgeon told me to never, ever take these supplements, no matter what. Sorry about the soapbox, but we have to be careful.
   — kcanges

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