I had my gall bladder removed at the time I had my open RNY.

Does having my gall bladder removed make me more sensitive to what I eat. I suffer from a lot of diahrea and thought mayber I could hear from others with the same scenario. Thanks    — taryncarrol (posted on January 25, 2002)

January 25, 2002
I didn't have the surgeries at the same time but I can tell you that when I had my gallbladdar removed it deffinately afected my "potty" habbits, and what I could eat. You're not alone, and this can be normal...
   — Elizabeth D.

January 25, 2002
I haven't had WLS yet, but I did notice a change in bowel habits after I had my gall bladder out, more diarrhea or loose stools. In fact, when I got home, I was prepared to have a bout with constipation after having general anasthesia and not being real active for several days. That never happened. I think the bowel changes are pretty common.
   — [Anonymous]

January 25, 2002
I'm not sure that the removal of your gallbladder really affects your bathroom habits. It could be the WLS itself or change in your diet. I had my gallbladder removed before WLS and never had any difference. All your gallbladder does is store excess bile that your liver produces. When you no longer have your gallbladder, your liver takes up the slack and stores it itself.
   — [Anonymous]

January 25, 2002
Oh ya, my gallbladder removal caused the same problems with me. I had loose, yellow waste for 3 months. My Dr said it was the gallbladder surgary that was causing the problem. Eventually, it does get better. Lyn
   — Lyn R.

January 25, 2002
I had open RNY & gall bladder removal just 8 days ago and the answer to your question is YES YES YES...unfortunately. I called my doctor and he said it is totally normal unless the bowel movements are extremely forceful. Good luck.
   — Janice P.

January 25, 2002
I had open RNY on 12/19/01. After the surgery I found out that my gall bladder had been full of stones and so the surgeon removed it as well. I have'nt felt any different. No problem with digestion or bowels; matter of problem is more one of constipation!
   — [Anonymous]

January 26, 2002
Many of us suffer from lactose intolerance. Try skipping moo for 2 weeks, then go back on. That will answer that one. After my GB removal, I could have NO bacon & NO lettuce for years. Gradually, I could have those again. The milk is just sugar anyway, so it's not loss if you cannot have it. Cheese, sour cream, cream cheese--those might all still be fine for you.
   — vitalady

January 28, 2002
I had my gallbaldder removed about two years before my WLS. I wish I had figured out sooner that I was lactose intolerant! I was drinking alot of milk each day, and suffering from diarrhea and loose stools for a long time before it finally dawned on me that I was allergic to milk! Now I don't drink any milk and haven't had that problem since. Good luck to you!
   — blank first name B.

January 28, 2002
My doctor told me I would be much less tolerant of extra fatty foods. I don't know, though, because I hardly eat anything anyway!
   — Jennifer H.

January 28, 2002
My surgeon and nurse both said having the gallbladder out can cause the runs if a lot of fat is eaten. I guess it makes sense since the bile the gallbladder produces is to break down fat and aid digestion. I had mine out years before the rny. I have found since the rny my bowels have more stabelized, a lot of people say the get constipated after surgery so maybe between the runs from the gallbladder removal and the constipation of wls surgery I'm finally "normal"!
   — Becky K.

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