How soon will I be able to return to traveling every week for my job?

I work as a traveling consultant. Travel via plane, etc. is 100%. How soon would I have to wait after surgery to start work again, keeping in mind that I have a 10-15 lb. carry on laptop bag as well as suitcase I have to lift into and out of cars, etc. every Monday and Friday.    — Regina T. (posted on January 23, 2002)

July 7, 2002
I too am a traveling consultant. I was in the hospital for 6 days with my open RYN, home the following week, then believe it or not, back to work. It was too early, but I needed to stay billable. My surgeon supported me and my decision to return to work asap. My husband went with me the first week. The clients that I worked with were great and knew about my surgery and helped me with my laptop the first couple of weeks. I then purchased a laptop case on wheels, which helps with lifting that. The airline steward should be able to help you with the suitcase. Just let them know that you just had surgery. You can also check your luggage, which helps. Can you stay at a hotel which has someone to assist with your luggage? ASK FOR HELP and give generous tips when you can. One more tip...stay focused on your health. Protien and water only, you know as well as I do that it's no fun being sick on the road....Good Luck!!
   — etta B.

July 7, 2002
I too am a traveling consultant. I was in the hospital for 6 days with my open RYN, home the following week, then believe it or not, back to work. It was too early, but I needed to stay billable. My surgeon supported me and my decision to return to work asap. My husband went with me the first week. The clients that I worked with were great and knew about my surgery and helped me with my laptop the first couple of weeks. I then purchased a laptop case on wheels, which helps with lifting that. The airline steward should be able to help you with the suitcase. Just let them know that you just had surgery. You can also check your luggage, which helps. Can you stay at a hotel which has someone to assist with your luggage? ASK FOR HELP and give generous tips when you can. One more tip...stay focused on your health. Protien and water only, you know as well as I do that it's no fun being sick on the road....Good Luck!!
   — etta B.

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