Hernia this early??
I have a quick question..I am about 8 weeks post-op and I have a annoying pain on the right side of my open incision... It kind of hurts sometimes and to make matters worse my incision really iches right now..The doc checked me 2 weeks ago for my 6 week check up and said No Hernia Could I have gotten one in 2 weeks??? She also showed me how to check for one (lying flat then raise your head to contract stomach muscles) well I feel a hard spot on that side..I was wondering if it may just be a pulled muscle I started having the pain the same time I was doing a lot of cleaning and streaching...Any ideas?? What does a hernia feel like?? What kind of pain? — [Anonymous] (posted on January 19, 2002)
January 19, 2002
My sister had something like what you're describing and it was actually
fluid buildup . Because the doctor told her it "was nothing",
she waited until it developed into a large, painful cyst before going back
to the doctor. Be persistent, make another appointment and have it checked
again. It may "be nothing" as the doctor says, but you will have
your peace of mind. Take care of yourself and may God bless your efforts!
— Theresa A.
January 19, 2002
I had a hernia with my first surgery and it actually feels like a
protruding lump of whatever size. Mine was the size of a softball. When
you lay down and try to sit up, does the site of concern protrude any...
Mine never hurt one bit.. but that could be just me. My hernia was 7
months out. Good luck to you.. keep an eye on it as hernia's can be
— Pamela W.
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