Need to get off this plateau..Can anyone Help?
I am 5 weeks post-op (open RNY)...I had lost 19 pounds before surgery and so far have lost another 24 pounds. But, I lost that by 3 weeks and since then I have not lost a single pound...It is really frustrating me, and I am starting to think that this is all I am going to lose and it is starting to make me cry all of the time. I am doing everything I was told..Drinking lots, eating right, and getting my exercise..I though I would have lost more weigh than this and I want to get off this plateau NOW!!!! Can anyone Help me??? — Dusty S. (posted on January 3, 2002)
January 3, 2002
YUP, YUP, YUP . . . Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt! (Of course
now it's much too big :)<P>I had the same plateau--lost about 20
pounds the first three weeks then nothing for three weeks. I was depressed
and convinced I'd had surgery to lose 20 pounds. DON'T WORRY! Keep up your
eating and activity and protein and water and it will continue to come off.
Your body is just catching up to all the weight you lost so quickly. Also,
keep taking your measurements--you may be losing inches but not pounds.
After my plateau ended I dropped two sizes almost overnight!
That was many pounds ago and I reached goal. I think plateaus are valuable.
If you lose too much too fast your skin will droop and sag. This way your
body has time to adjust!
— ctyst
January 3, 2002
I had the exact same plateau at 3 weeks too!! I lost like crazy for 3
weeks and then was stuck solid for 3 weeks. It was very frustrating. I
know it isn't easy to tell yourself that this will pass but you have to
know that it will. Sometimes upping your calories a little will help (I
know it sounds crazy) and a really good way to kill a plateau if to up your
protein supplementation if you can. Still, no matter what you do, you will
have plateaus. I know that my body always changed more during a plateau
than when I was in the middle of a losing streak. I could lose weight like
crazy and my clothes size would stay the same - than I'd get stuck on a
plateau and lose 2 clothes sizes in one week. You are completely normal so
try not to worry. I made it to goal in a year - plateaus and all. GOOD
— ronascott
January 3, 2002
I was on one for around 6 weeks. It would'nt end on it's own. I did the
usually things people say here "drink more water, get more protein,
eat more and exercise". But it did'nt work. So for two days I tried to
stop ALL eating all carbohydrates and ate just meats and cheese. And then
made sure I got at least 60 ounces of water... and it broke the platau! :)
Now after eating normal I can't lose anymore so I'll have to do it some
more, but I like carbohydrates to much to go without all the time.
— Danmark
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