Has anyone had complications from a Panniculectomy?

Hi, I had a Panniculectomy on 11-29-01, I have had nothing but pronblems with it since and I was wondering if anyone else had a panni that there incision totally opened up and spread wider and deeper. I am having to have home health nurses pack this every day and it will take about 4 months before this is healed. This has put a damper on my life and my families, and have been told this is a complication that normally does not happen with this surgery. Has anyone else been through this? I feel so alone and depressed. Any input is greatly appriciated. I wish I would not of did the Panniculectomy. Thanks    — Valerie D. (posted on December 20, 2001)

December 20, 2001
i myself did not have this problem after my panni but my friend did. It took her almost six months to be healed shut. Just remember it does get better. It is a hardship but in the end it is worth it
   — paula B.

December 20, 2001
Hi Valerie, I had my panniculectomy five days after yours on 12/4. As soon as I first stood up in the hospital I was told not to stand up straight. For two weeks I had to walk stooped over like an old woman. My doctor had warned me before surgery that there was a possibility of the wound opening up especially in the center of the incision that ran from hip to hip. I feel really bad that this happened to you. Please try not to be discouraged because you will get through it.
   — Helen C.

December 20, 2001
Victoria Bowen had problems with her incision opening up. She went into great detail on her website. Here is the URL
   — [Anonymous]

December 20, 2001
Valerie: Bless your heart I sure do know what you're going through.. The depression is probably the worse.. Here you are thinking this should be the best time in your life.. weight gone, new body, and this had to happen.. Trust me YES..... I do know.. I went through this very same thing almost a year ago.. It is a very slow healing process as you know healing from the bottom ... up.. It took almost 5 months to fully heal enough to have a scar revision surgery to repair all the damage the opened incision had done.. I know you wish you had not had this done.. I said the very same thing..PLUS my family members reminded me daily the very same thing.. (sigh) not a thing we want to hear right? Well, I know this time is rough so now lets get you healed.. PUMP the protein so you will granulate faster.. up your protein in a supplement form to 120 grams a day. Once I did that I started to heal by leaps and bounds.. The home health nurses said they could almost see the new tissue forming before their eyes.. Nutritionally my body was a wreck before the surgery and this was a time bomb waiting to happen was my guess. Once I fixed my nutrition the rest fell in place and I began to heal.. Good luck and please feel free to write me anytime..
   — Victoria B.

December 20, 2001
I'm so sorry you are having all of this trouble. I am pre-op for WLS but had stem to stern abdominal surgery 4 years ago and had the wound open. I too had nurses 2x a day packing, cleaning etc. It took about 8 wks to close up but I honestly had no problem once they took over. Unfortunately it will be a little slow progress because it must heal from the inside out to avoid introducing infection into a wound which closes before it should now. But I do have a suggestion for you to help the healing. Get Noni Juice (look on internet for Noni - company I like is Morinda). Noni has properties that really help cell growth and healing and it might speed up your progress but it also helps to remove toxins in the body. I began using it about a month ago for just general health and love it and only recently learned more about it and its properties. So its a thought. In the meantime, to help you with the depression, use this healing time to catch up on mini projects, read, anything you can to keep your mind focused and active. Remember too that you have done so well and this is just a bump in the road on your wonderful journey...big bump ....but nevertheless a bump. Have a Merry Christmas.
   — AJC750

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