Can anyone please tell me if it is safe to ingest Epsom Salt?

I want to use some Epsom Salt as a liver cleanser. Has anyone since having their surgery used any Epsom Salt? Thanks ahead of time for the upcoming answers.    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 11, 2001)

December 11, 2001
Is your liver dirty? Really, our bodies are self-cleansing, except in extreme circumstances, in which case you need to be under a doctor's care.
   — M. A. B.

December 12, 2001
Epsom salt was always used as a laxative or added to a tub to soak tired feet in my family. I'm afraid to take any laxative because they can really do more harm than good. If I were you I would ask my doctor. That epsom salt could really do a number on your new stomach.
   — Tammy W.

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