Am I eating too much? Should I worry? I can eat an entire Big Mac w/ 4 french frie

I can also eat an entire hot dog, followed by an cup of soup. I can eat an entire sausage w/egg mcmuffin (with potato patty added) and I can have that while sipping on a black coffee. Now, I realize I need to change my choices and stop going for the fast food, but did something go wrong with my operation? Please respond. I'm scared.    — Berry-Jean M. (posted on December 6, 2001)

December 6, 2001
I think for two months post op that is way to much! You might need to really reflect on when you are full. Are you eating to the pount where two more fries would cause you to vomit? I often ate til I could physically eat no more. I realized that is liek trying to sabotage yourself. Eat until you do not fill hunger pains anymore, do no test the surgery by seeing how much you can eat. I have been there, so I speak from sympathy and experience. I would get combo meals just to see how much I could eat, then go, "i wonder if my tummy is messed up now" If you are like me, it is hard. I have to avoid all fast food. Best wishes!
   — Courtney W.

December 6, 2001
How do you feel after you've eaten? I think it sounds like quite a bit and I would definitely talk to my surgeon. At less than 2 mos post op, that's a lot. Like the others have said, just be careful. We've all "tested the limits" of our new stomachs. You're not alone. But, it sounds like something's wrong.
   — Amy E.

December 6, 2001
I just had to post again because I forgot something, why are you drinking coffee while you are eating? I was told not to drink anything half an hour before or after a meal. I've heard 2 different reasons though. It either fills up the pouch too much for food or it liquifies everything and pushes it through faster. Also, the greasier and juicer the food is you eat, the more you can eat. Try eating a broiled chicken breast without drinking anything and see how much you can eat. Good luck!
   — Amy E.

December 6, 2001
OH MY GOODNESS.............That seems to be alot....I cant eat that in 1 setting and I am pre-op....I just eat several times a day....Please go back to the basics....I definantly would talk with my doc as something doesnt seem right. I hope after surgery I cant eat that much or I will be having surgery for nothing!
   — Melody F.

December 6, 2001
First of all... stop it right now! You rearranged your insides with major surgery to lose weight and be healthy and you need to knock off the fast food and eating recklessly. Secondly... stop drinking while you are eating. You are flushing the food from your stomach and this is why you can fit more. I am also going to kick your butt again... why on earth did you put yourself through this surgery if you arent going to make good food choices? Call your surgeons office and tell them you need to come in and speak with the surgeon and or the nutritionist... you also need to find a support group. Instead of pulling into McDonalds you need to pull a coconut protein bar or S'mores protein bar from your purse... just like a candy bar, it will satisfy your food jones. I wish you the best and hope that you get some additional guidance before you do yourself irreparable damage. You can make great food choices if you really want to... and I know you do or you wouldnt have done this in the first place. You just need to start over and get some help sticking to it.
   — SusanMaria

December 6, 2001
Berry-Jean---Do you know if you were transected or not? I would have to say that you are able to eat WAY more than I can at 6 mos. out of RNY. I'm lucky if I can eat a half of a Jr. Cheeseburger with only the bottom part of the roll. Something seems to be wrong with your tool. However, unlike the VERY RUDE (and anonymous no less) poster, I don't think you can be blamed for this. Yes, you've let yourself get a little out of control, but the blame can't solely rest on your shoulders. There has to be a mechanical failure here somewhere. Yes you can stretch your pouch, but it really takes systematic overeating. I really doubt that you have gone that far at only 2 months out. I think first of all, you need to talk to your surgeon to see if you were transected. You might need a revision. Secondly, please try to go back to basics. DON'T drink when you eat. Stay away from carbs (like buns). And try to water load right before you eat. A good 16 to 24 ounces of water will start filling you up. One last thing....ignore people like this anonymous poster. Obviously he or she still feels bad and insecure about themselves or else they wouldn't need to come to this friendly forum to put someone down in order to make themself feel better. Best of luck to you. It's not too late to get on the right path.
   — Tracy L.

December 6, 2001
Obviously the wonderful policers of this site were kind enough to erase the rude anonymous response since I last posted, so my comments may not all make sense. But I can't's great that they keep this site friendly!
   — Tracy L.

December 6, 2001
I posted a question the other day because I was worried I had a staple line disruption. I am 9 months post op. At two months I know there is no way I could have eaten a Big Mac, I don't think I could now....but I do have an Egg McMuffin every once and a while, it takes me about 20 minutes to eat it and I feel really full after! I think the most important thing I have learned recently is DO NOT DRINK when eating. I can eat tons more when I'm "washing it down" with water, coffee, soda etc. Drinking literally will push the food right out of your pouch so it never stays there long enough for you to get a full feeling. So that's the first thing you need to stop, next obviously is your food choices. If you have to eat fast food, get the grilled chicken sandwich at McD's (skip the fries!) I would also call your surgeon and schedule to have a scope or upper GI done just to make sure you haven't already done some damage. Don't beat yourself up or let others beat on you...I know after my posting I got a lot of comments like "how can you mess this up!?!" & "Why would you go thru this surgery just to sabatoge it!?!" All of us went into this with the best intentions...And obviously most of us have some deep rooted issues with food or we wouldn't have needed surgery....for some of us this surgery was all we needed "scare us straight", but some of us are going to need some extra help to keep us "straight" Like I said call your surgeon's office get checked out and ask them if there is a nutritionist that can help you come up with a food plan...go to a local support group or get into the online support group here so you can get some encouragement! I know from my experiences lately that you can fall into old eating habits without being concious of it, but nip it in the butt before it gets out of hand! Good luck!
   — DolcezzaVT

December 6, 2001
First off, I have to agree with the majority of the posters here. You are making poor food choices. BUT, it's not too late to change that. You're so early post-op I don't think you've "ruined" your surgery. Now, what you need to do is get some info on fast food meals. For instance, your PCP should be able to get you a pamphlet from HUMULIN called "living in the fast lane". This pamphlet will give you info on almost every fast food restraunt and their selections. With this, you can count proteins, sugars, carbs, calories etc. There is also a site I have visited that recommends "healthy" fast foods. That site is: Ok, then understand that there are people that can't tolerate drinking with their meals or a half hour after (like me:0) This is a great deterent for me. It's harder for you because you obviously can take fluids while eating. DON"T. Think of your tummy as a toilet (go with me on this). The toilet flushes by pushing water into the bowl...shoving the crap (no pun) out. That's what you're doing. You'll get fuller, faster, for longer if you stay away from the liquids at least 30 mins, before, during and after. Now, it's up to you to make wise food'll learn.
   — Kristin R.

December 6, 2001
Hi Berry Jean, I would call my surgeon asap if I were you. Yes, your making bad food choices, everyone can do that, but what bothers me is the amount you are eating, you should not be able to get all that in at this point. I hope you find out everything is ok, and that you just need to make better choices. :)
   — Carey N.

December 6, 2001
i can eat part of a big mac and small fries and im 5 months post op AND im still losing weight it works differently for most people. i dont recccomend u eat like that always heavens knows i dont but i find that our bodies r different. it will get better the operation changed our BODIES not our heads.......i guess some people r just smarter than us huh?
   — [Anonymous]

December 7, 2001
It's Berry-Jean again. I eat have eaten the entire Big Mac, bun and all. Since I posted this question, I have been durly frightened and have put in a call to my surgeon. To answer some of the questions posed: 1. No, I don't have any pain or nausea and only once can I say I my have felt something similar to "dumping". 2. Usually I do not drink during a meal because it is difficult, but coffee seems to go right down. 3. I can seem to tolerate pasta, rice, bread (on a sandwich). 4. I certainly cannot eat what I used to pre-op, but my capacity scares me. I swear I'm not try to test my endurance. I'm just eating. 7. I do belong to a support group and they think its strange too. Thanks for all the feedback.
   — Berry-Jean M.

June 17, 2003
You must be crazy to eat like this. Even with the surgery we have to have WILLPOWER.
   — Lilly D.

June 17, 2003
I can eat all of a big mac IF I take out the center bread. Can even have a couple of fries with it. Personally, I don't think it's too much or even poor choices - I am certain that isn't the bulk of your diet and is just an example of what you are able to eat. I eat fast food when my family does. Not every day, but certainly once in a while. And when I just can't get home to eat its better than going without and having a bad dumping episode from going too long without food. I would recommend you don't have the hot dog and THEN soup as it just washes the dog outta your pouch though :>) I would really call my doc though if your concerned! have a great day!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 17, 2003
Firstly, you're dredging up questions from TWO YEARS ago. And calling someone crazy (Lilly) isn't being helpful. Why don't you try answering some of the CURRENT questions...questions from people who are actually still on this board.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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