Has anyone had post-op (15 days & counting) SEVERE NAUSEA & DRY HEAVES?

My twin sister and I had surgery on 11/21/01 and I am fine but she has had SEVERE NAUSEA AND DRY HEAVES. Has anyone heard of someone else with this complication and what did they do for it? She is still on clear liquids and we are watching everything that goes in her mouth. Please help.    — Brenda G. (posted on December 6, 2001)

December 5, 2001
I called the dr two days after I got home because of horrible nausea. They put me on anti nausea drugs for 4 weeks, when I came off the drugs the nausea was gone. Call the dr:)
   — Becky K.

December 6, 2001
Yes, I had both. I used a prescription called metoclopramide for the nausea...It really worked well. The dry heaves I had to just wait out...they weren't exatly dry was rather mucousy. They did eventually go away on there own. When I talked to my surgeon about it..his only response was, well there's no blood in it right? (There was not.) It wouldn't hurt for your sister to talk to her surgeon, maybe s/he can do something to ease this for her as well.
   — KimBo36

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