Post-op - How Much Do you eat?!

Hey guys, okay, around the first week or so, how much are you really expected/supposed to eat? Because I've read alot of posts from people saying that they can't even get a little bit of liquid down, so, this bad, or is this just normal?    — Jennifer M. (posted on November 22, 2001)

November 22, 2001
I'm 11 days post-op and have been able to eat an entire 8-oz container of yogurt and drink an 8 oz shake without discomfort. Water goes down great, as does milk. I've "cheated" on a few 'solid' foods, especially yesterday (Thanksgiving) and it seems like 4 or 5 green beans, a sprig of broccoli a sprig of cauliflower and a spoonful of mashed potatoes filled me up. It seems like the longer I am out, the fuller I'm getting. Maybe it's just that I'm beginning to feel fullness now and I wasn't able to at first. This whole things seems to be a trial and error process!
   — Danette H.

November 23, 2001
Hi, Jennifer !! I put all the details about what I was able to eat, how much, and a lot of other hopefully helpful info on my webpage, as well as things you'll need after surgery, details about the hospital experience, important facts I learned in my pre-WLS classes. You can access it at and I hope you find it useful !!! Good luck to you.
   — Lisa D.

November 23, 2001
My surgeonn puts his patients on a liquid diet for the first four weeks after surgery and I recall that I had to force myself to drink my protein drinks and my water. I had no appetite and it was a chore to get it all down. In fact, I couldn't hold much food for the first post-op year a few bites would fill me up and if I drank all my water, I wouldn't get hungry at all between meals. I did the famous "cottage cheese" test and my pouch is still pretty small. So, I'm going back to "basics" and hoping that with some serious exersize on my treadmill, I might actually lose another 35lbs. and get to my goal.
   — [Anonymous]

November 23, 2001
I was told to only have clear liquids the first week and soft food the second week and then just eat whatever after that. The first week I had a lot of jello, gatorade and broth. I didn't feel like eating untill about the 6th day so then I cheated and had a few bites of mashed potatoes and some pepsi. It all went down fine.I never had any problems eating. Just take it slow and eat little bites. Chew your food up well and listen to your body.I craved red meat and still do sometimes so I just listen and eat it. Sometimes it is orange juice I can't get enough of. This whole WLS experience gets you in touch with yourself. I don't think it is normal not to be able to get anything down at all. That seems like something isn't right and you need to talk to your Dr.
   — paintnmynails

June 8, 2003
Jennifer, for me it was easy to keep liquids down. I left the hospital on a liquid diet. The second week I was on pureed foods mostly baby food. At first I couldn't even finish the 4 oz jar but soon I was able to. I kept up with my CIB and started to really hate them and soon couldn't stomach them anymore. Also being lactose intolerent didn't help either. I then found Lactaid chewable tablets helped me with that and then moved onto the Lactaid milk. Boy does that taste great!!! I just wish I could gulp down a glass of milk like I used to. I am now almost 4 wks post-op and can only keep down about 1/2 cup of anything. I have given up starches since they fill me up too fast. I stay with only meat/fish and cooked veggies. Sure, I cheat but doesn't everyone?? I hate being on just soft foods even though that's what I supposed to be on only. I just have to remember to chew, chew, chew, chew...
   — Sophia M.

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