Can you crush multivitamins, and how much B-12 do is needed a day?
I was wondering if multivitamins can be crushed and taken that way or if you have to just cut them in half and take them. My vitamins are all larger than a dime and I would have to cut them up and take several through out the day, I am concerned that I will not be able to drink enough water in one swallow to get them down. Also, I was wondering how much B-12 is needed. When I got my vitamins yesterday, they had pills with 500mcgs and 5000mcgs. I am thoroughly confused. I appreciate your help with this issue. — Faith Pureson (posted on November 14, 2001)
November 13, 2001
My doctor told me to take 1000mcg B-12 every other day, but I am opting to
get the shot once a month. As far as vitamins, I was told to take centrum
junior complete childrens chewables, and take two a day. Hope this helps.
— Janet C.
November 15, 2001
I think the vitamins may depend on the type of surgery...
My surgeon says 1000mcg of B-12 PER WEEK (sublingual)--under the tongue.
Also, I have found a multi-vitamin that is CHEWABLE. You might want to see
if you can find it. I bought it at the Vitamin Shoppe. Made by Country
Life--Adult's Multi. It is Hypoallergenic, Vegetarian, and Chewable. It doesn't
taste too great--a bit tart for me, but a good swallow of water and I'm
great. This vitamin provides 300%, 500%, 600%, etc of most things, so my
dietician said I really only need ONE A DAY!!! Hooray! Hope this helps
you! Good luck!
— Sherri R.
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