What are the differences between Roux-y GB and the Roux-en-y?

My physician said his was the Roux-y GB... The cadillac of them all. Allows you nutrition absorption, a larger band to allow more variety of foods but two meals a day about 1/2 cup each meal. Now if he is taking the intestine and doing the same as the roux-en-y, how come the calories are absorbed in the Gastric banded diversion?    — Sandy H. (posted on November 7, 2001)

November 7, 2001
I believe they are the exact same procedure. I don't remember the exact title of the book, but it's something like "The Physician's Guide to Weightloss Surgery" by Erica Manfred (et. al). I read that the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass is often *incorrectly* referred to as the RNY (if anything, it should be referred to as the REY!). Anyway, they say that the correct abbeviation is RYGB, not RNY. Regardless, it is the same operation. Hope this helps.
   — Felissa L.

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