Am I at less risk?

Hey all, I am 19 yrs old, do you think that because of my age and the fact that I don't have any major health problems ( due to obesity ), that I have a better chance at getting through surgery with no complications??    — Jennifer M. (posted on November 5, 2001)

November 5, 2001
I'm 20 and I hope to get surgery this summer so.... I HOPE SO!! :) I don't think this means we can slack off (the doctor I'm going to have makes you do foot exercises and coughing exercises to prevent blood clots in your legs, lungs) and I intend to do them from the second I come out of anaesthesia. Good luck :)
   — [Anonymous]

November 5, 2001
I'm 23 and I had a lot of problems. None life-threatening, but I felt like trash for weeks and weeks, while there were people twice my age running circles around me! I think we all have more than favorable results for surviving surgery if we are overall healthy. It's just the luck of the draw.
   — Kristin R.

November 5, 2001
Usually, the younger you are, the quicker you bounce back. But sometimes things can happen. My doctor told me that the younger you are, the better you usually bounce back and the better your SKIN usually bounces back ;) You DO have this much going for if I were you, I would stack the deck in your favor. I would quit smoking, if you do. Start exercising to get your lungs and heart ready for surgery. Make sure you up your protein intake for a month before surgery. This will promote healing after surgery. Some of these will give you a little head start. But, you should really do great. GOOD LUCK!
   — Nicole P.

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