eating and drinking @ the same time??
Hey there, im pre-op but just wondering why you cant eat something and drink something at the same time??? Thanks :) — [Anonymous] (posted on October 30, 2001)
October 29, 2001
I'm 8 months post-op, and initially you can't eat and drink at the same
time because there is simply not enough room in your little pouch for time goes on you can get both in, but you have to be careful. I
think I eat alot more than I should because I drink with my meal and I'm
problably "washing" alot of the food right out of the pouch. If
you get in the habit of just taking small sips with your food you'll do
alright! Good luck!
— DolcezzaVT
October 29, 2001
The problem with drinking with meals is 1) it washes the food out of the
pouch causing us to eat more, and feel hungry faster...both potential for
stall/regain and 2) it can make the pouch overfull and cause vomitting of
what was just eaten. I intend never to eat and drink at the same time
again, and at almost a year post find it's no problem at all because I'm so
well hydrated all day anyway. Good luck!
— Jo (Part 2) C.
October 30, 2001
The reasoning is that you will wash the food through your pouch and won't
feel full. I tried this and it didn't work for me. I am very rarely
"hungry". Even when I's not the same "HUNGRY" I
USED to get. I started drinking with my food just to be able to eat enough
to get my protein in. It washed it "through" and I was able to
get all my protein from food. I don't have trouble with feeling hungry so
it's not a problem for me. If your surgeon wants you to do this, ask them
for HIS/HER reason for it. It may be different and you should follow their
instructions. I chose to drink with my meals and haven't had any problem.
I would change this if I had trouble with frequent hunger. Luckily, I
don't. Lose 110 lbs and not be hungry....what a miracle:) GOOD LUCK!
— Nicole P.
November 6, 2001
I drink with my meals but try not to drink to much. I get badly dehydrated
if I have to worry about not eating "this far before meals" or
"this far after meals". It just does'nt work for me as I am
thirsty twenty four hours a day. ;)
— Danmark
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